Public tender for civil police in Rio Grande do Norte has a salary of more than R $ 16 thousand


(photo: EUDOXIO / Commons Wikimedia)
(photo: EUDOXIO / Commons Wikimedia)
The labor market is shaken with the launch of another public tender. Already published in the Official Gazette of Rio Grande do Norte the event of Civil police, organized by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), with a total offer of 301 places.

How vacancies it will be distributed to the agent, registrar and delegate areas.

How remunerations They vary between R $ 4,731.91 to R $ 16,670.59.

According to the PC RN Notice, the evidences will take place on March 7, 2021. To participate in the event, candidates must do the following inscriptions between November 27 and December 21, 2020, through the FGV website.

A taxa The registration fee will be R $ 120.00 for the positions of Agent and Registrar and R $ 150.00 for Delegate.

Applicants will have until December 22, 2020 to pay the fee, under penalty of cancellation of the inscriptions.

The application application period exemption The registration fee will be between November 27 and December 1. The requirements to request the exemption are: candidates registered in the CadÚnico of the federal government, electors summoned and appointed by the electoral justice of Rio Grande do Norte and blood donors to the state hospital network.

The notice of PC RN has already brought updated values of the law that increases the benefits of police officers. Approved at the beginning of the year, it will go into effect in November of this year and will already affect the new servers.

In addition to these values, the server will be offered tips for head of investigation and head of registry and additional for seniority.

A Workload for police officers it is 40 hours and may be appropriate for duty shifts depending on the administration.
