PT will be in more disputes in the second round; PSDB and Pode will make a more common duel | Choice in numbers


The PT will be the legend most present in the second round of the 2020 municipal elections, in 15 of the 57 cities where the dispute will take place. Then come PSDB (14 cities) and MDB (12 cities).

But the most common duel will be between PSDB and Pode candidates, which will be repeated in 4 municipalities. The other most frequent clashes will be between PT x DEM and between PT x PSB, in 3 cities each (see list below).

In 2020, the second round was possible in 95 cities in Brazil, with more than 200 thousand inhabitants. But in 35 of these municipalities one of the candidates had more than half of the valid votes and won in the first round.

In three cities the situation is indefinite: Macapá, where the election was postponed, and Duque de Caxias and Volta Redonda, both in Rio de Janeiro, where the most voted candidates had candidacies rejected, but still appealed.

– Photo: Arte G1

See the most common duels between parties in the 2nd round of the municipal election:

PSDB x We can in 4 cities:

Taboão da Serra (SP), São Vicente (SP), Mogi das Cruzes (SP) and Vila Velha (ES)

Contagem (MG), Cariacica (ES), Santarém (PA)

Recife, Juiz de Fora (MG) and Mauá (RJ)

Caxias do Sul (RS) and Pelotas (RS)

Diadema (SP) and Guarulhos (SP)

Feira de Santana (BA) and Vitória da Conquista (BA)

Porto Velho and Santa Maria (RS)
