PT enters on behalf of PGR and requests investigation of Abin complaint – 11/12/2020


The PT bench entered the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) and requested the participation of General Augusto Heleno, prime minister of the GSI (Institutional Security Office), and Alexandre Ramagem, head of Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency).

According to a report by the magazine “Época”, Abin would have carried out reports to help Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans) in the “Queiroz case”, which revealed the existence of an alleged “cracking” scheme in Alerj (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro). and generated a complaint against the politician for money laundering, embezzlement and criminal organization. The GSI denies the existence of the documents, but Flávio’s defense confirmed the authenticity of the reports.

In representation, the PT asks for accountability and verification of the facts and questions the “criminal route” in which those involved took the case “to safeguard the interests of Flávio Bolsonaro, to illegally interfere in an ongoing judicial process, forging thus artificial mechanisms to help the senator in collusion with the defense “.

Previously, the state deputy Marcelo Freixo (PSOL-RJ), also announced that he had filed a representation before the Attorney General’s Office for the investigation.

Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP) sent a request to the CCAI (Mixed Commission for the Control of Intelligence Activities) of the National Congress for the convocation of General Augusto Heleno. Rodrigues wants Heleno to clarify the complaint published by “Época” magazine.
