PS5 has no problem dealing with large open worlds, fixes former Sony designer •


Chris Grannell, a former Guerrilla Cambridge designer, is back in the spotlight for his comments on PlayStation 5 and the power of Sony’s next-gen console.

Grannell, who worked at Guerrilla Cambridge until the studio closed in 2017, made headlines when he commented that the Xbox Series X is much more powerful than the PS5, earning him strong criticism for being just a “full-fledged employee.” heartburn “by some.

The former PlayStation designer spoke up again when he participated in an Xbox-focused podcast and commented that PS5 would have trouble with big open worlds, which also resulted in some less friendly messages in his Twitter box.

However, Grannell decided to clarify the situation and says that his words were taken out of context and that they decided to interpret it in a way that does not correspond to its true meaning. In addition, he decided to react to the accusations of being a bitter ex-employee.

Grannell began by asking for clarification and rectification on his words about the PS5’s ability to handle open-world games, making sure to say nothing about PS5 not being able to handle them.

I’m sure I didn’t say anything like that. If current consoles have no problem with open world games, the power and capacity of PS5 have no problem

Grannell added, “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to credit the article, it’s the way some things are communities.” In that sense, he was saying that they would have trouble achieving the perfect balance (in the sense that compromises might be necessary), not that the hardware is not capable of doing so.

In addition to clarifying that he does not have access to a PS5 development kit, Grannell insisted that his words were taken out of context and misinterpreted.

“I have already clarified my position and the journalist acknowledged it. There was further discussion. I didn’t say I would have trouble with open world games

On the criticism of being a former employee who only tries to criticize for criticizing Sony, Grannell explained that in addition to not saying what he is accused of, he has no problem with Sony.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. The whole studio didn’t have a job and we got decent compensation. I can assure you that I respect the company and that I still have friends there. What is your purpose besides talking nonsense?”
