Prosecutor who denounced Carol Solberg in the STJD is anti-fascist and critical of Bolsonaro


The deputy attorney general of the Superior Court of Sports Justice (STJD) of Volleyball, Wagner Vieira Dantas, who signs the complaint against Carol Solberg for the speech “Foros, Bolsonaro”, is also critical of President Jair Bolsonaro (no party). On social media, the lawyer shares messages against the government and in favor of democracy. He also signed a document defending “civil disobedience” against fascism.

“Unfortunately, these are bones of the trade. He was destined to be the executioner in this complaint in the STJD. The right is the right. The life that follows, published on Facebook, in a message restricted to friends. Yesterday (28), he wrote an ironic message sharing music from the band Detonautas and asking people not to share it so as not to upset the first lady Michelle Bolsonaro, who tries to censor the recording.

In June, Dantas went further and signed the “manifesto of anti-fascist lawyers for democracy.” The document begins by citing that Brazil has faced the most varied attacks on the rule of law since the beginning of the decade “and ends by stating that” civil disobedience is the result when representatives of democratic institutions do not obey them and the Brazilian State returns to look like a Republic. “

That same day, the lawyer shared having received an invitation signed by the president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Felipe Santa Cruz, to participate in an “act in defense of democracy and the judiciary.” Now, the two will meet at the STJD. Dantas for the attorney general and Santa Cruz, according to Juca’s blog, defending Carol.

The sub-attorney responded to Olympic look and explained the decision to report the player. “Carol has every right to express herself. The demonstration is very healthy for democracy. The fact is that she used the wrong place and channel to express herself. By agreeing to participate in this championship, she signed a regulation that is clear, explicit, who says that the athlete agrees not to disclose his personal opinion -what she did-, criticism, -what he did-, or statements that may denigrate the sponsors of the CBV, this is already subjective. She did it, she can other than that, “he says.

“When the process was distributed, the first thing I did was read the regulation. The regulation says exactly that. She read it, she signed it. The regulation creates a legal obligation not only between her and CBV, but between her and the sponsors, she and the public, ”continues Dantas.

The deputy prosecutor is concerned that Banco do Brasil, a public bank that has been the main sponsor of volleyball for almost 30 years, decides next year not to renew the sponsorship. And blame Carol. “If the sponsor thinks not to renew, the group of athletes will be harmed by the statement of an athlete. Accepting their” Forum, Bolsonaro “would give people the right to start shouting one or the other and, when there is a public presence, this can be confusing. That is why I bring this discussion to the STJD “, he concludes.

Carol was denounced based on two articles of the Brazilian Code of Sports Justice (CBJD): 191 – non-compliance with competition rules – and 258 – assuming any conduct contrary to sports discipline or ethics not typified by the other rules of the code. . For the first, the penalty varies from R $ 100 to R $ 100 thousand. For the second, suspension from one to six games.

In the participation period of the Brazilian Beach Volleyball Circuit 2020/2021, attached to the tournament regulations, the players undertake “not to disclose, through the media, their personal opinion or information that reflects criticism or that may , directly or indirectly, damage or denigrate the image of CBV and / or the sponsors and commercial partners of the contests. ”The” proven breach “of this rule establishes that the athlete may have their participation vetoed by the CBV in the next stage of the competition. circuit.
