RIO – A series of restrictive measures against o novo coranavírus comes into force in this season, not in Rio, as it restricts the circulation of cars and pedestrians in commercial areas of 11 ships that are registering agglomerations, such as Tijuca and Santa Cruz, and proibição de Parking lots along the internal roads of Praia do Leme até or Pontal. A deteminaçao gives prefeitura worth for hair less seven days.
Os bairros com restrictições são: Tijuca (na Praça Sans Peña – North Zone), Grajaú (around Praça Verdun – North Zone), Méier (North Zone), Madureira (North Zone), Cascadura (North Zone), Pavuna (North Zone ), Santa Cruz (West Zone), Guaratiba (West Zone), Realengo (West Zone), Taquara (West Zone) and Freguesia (West Zone).
Second or president of Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (CET-Rio), Airton Aguiar, has exceções for delivery services for motoboys, which deliver food or medicine, for example. And also delivery routes for these commercial items:
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– No case of residents of areas that are forem blocked, the devem carry a copy of the consumer account that serves as proof of residency, if required, a proof of blockades. They are also not prevented from parking their six-sided roads. Hoje, muito dwellers of Copacabana, for example, têm cadastro e identification card that allows free stopping of a lazy rotary of the Bairt – disse Airton, accentuating that it has not been restricted to entry in blocked areas of mototaxis, applications and taxis.
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As soon as the vehicles of residents will be released. It is also in force for the operation of commercial communities, except supermarkets and pharmacies, also in the same period.
In this second, or Marcelo Crivella prefeit affirmed that or parking of particular vehicles in orla will be able to generate fine, to exceção I exceed two vehicles of residents of the vicinity. Or I prefer ressaltou, porém, that as soon as the regulation of the decree that deals with the matter is that or value of the infração will be instituted. Therefore, no one will be fined.
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Outra measure in force refers to lottery: just as online gambling is allowed. Or prefect explained that there have been observed agglomerations of idosos, or that it has intensified in the last days because the contests of Mega-Sena have accumulated.
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Or operation of bars, lanchonetes and restaurants também terá mais limitations. A purchase with a withdrawal of products (take-away) will only be allowed in case or this condition manages to remain as the dated portals. Or the drive-thru delivery will continue to be allowed:
– Or that we confirm that nesse take-away ends up tending to permanent weight, generating agglomerations, including with tables in calçada, the system that we had authorized take-away hair. Either take-away system will be allowed since the merchant sets up a scheme so that the portals of these establishments will remain dated — dissected or preferred.
The announced measure will be to reduce public works in seven days, keeping only the interventions considered essential or emergency. No case of private works, or prefez fez um appeals for the população to participate gives initiative as a way to reduce propagação do Covid-19.
– Repairs of roads, containment of coastlines, recovery of structures and works in hospitals to expand our capacity to be essential and will be maintained. Agora recovery of facades and outras intervenções serão suspensas – acrescentou or prefeito.