Private clinics import from India and guarantee the Covid vaccine for the rich; the poor are at the mercy of Bolsonaro


The rich and the middle class who can afford it will guarantee their immunization against the coronavirus: buying doses of vaccine that will be imported by private Brazilian clinics in India. The Brazilian Association of Vaccine Clinics takes care of imports and guarantees: it has enough syringes and needles in stock for its customers.

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247 – While the Bolsonaro government boycotted the start of vaccinating the Brazilian people in every way, private clinics will import 5 million doses of vaccines developed in India and guarantee the immunization of the rich and the middle class who can afford it. The Brazilian Association of Vaccine Clinics (ABCVAC) reported on Sunday (3) that it is negotiating with the Indian laboratory Bharat Biotech to buy the vaccines, according to G1. I couldn’t even buy needles and syringes. “It is already in our business to have a needle and a syringe, it is already our routine stock,” he said. Twitter.

The immunizer that private clinics must buy, called Covaxin, had its emergency use in India approved on Sunday by the authorities of that country and still depends on the authorization of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) to be used in Brazil. The private clinic entity has already received signals from the Bolsonaro government that the request will be treated with deference.

The vaccine is in phase three testing in India, a stage where efficacy is being tested. The first clinical studies showed that the immunizer does not cause serious side effects and produces antibodies against Covid-19. According to Reuters, the country approved the emergency use of the vaccine amid criticism over a lack of information on the effectiveness of the immunizer.

According to the president of ABCVAC, Geraldo Barbosa, the expectation is that the result of the third phase of the tests will come out this January. If this is confirmed, the laboratory must enter in February with a definitive registration request from Anvisa.

In an optimistic scenario, according to him, the vaccine should be available in private clinics in Brazil in the second half of March.

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