Pouso Alegre opens opening hours of bars and restaurants, and opening of soccer fields


Soccer is free at Pouso Alegre

This Friday, September 18, the Pouso Alegre City Council signed Decree 5185, which establishes new rules for the operation of various establishments.

According to the text, from now on, soccer fields and sports fields are free to operate without the presence of the public. In addition, they must adopt a sanitary protocol approved by the Sanitary Surveillance. On the other hand, the pools remain closed.

Another sector that has activities released under the Decree is the Craft Fair, which must also respect the health protocol.

Bars, restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, 24 hours and the like again follow the hours stipulated in their respective operating permits. The owners will be responsible for the lines formed in the establishments (which must maintain a distance of 2 meters between clients) and for avoiding the formation of crowds. Entertainment activities at these venues (including speakers) are prohibited.

The Sanitary Surveillance will continue with the inspection, mainly, of crowds and spacing of 2 meters between tables. In case you find any breach of the rules, the offending establishment will be prohibited.
