Post-privatization project foresees the creation of a new agency to replace Anatel | Politics


The Communications Ministry reported on Wednesday (14) that the bill dealing with the privatization of the Post Office, previously presented to the Planalto Palace by Minister Fabio Faria, provides for the creation of a new agency, Anacom (Agencia Nacional de Comunicações) , replacing Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency).

Also, according to the ministry’s note, in addition to telecommunications services (telephony, internet, pay TV) that are now in charge of Anatel, the new agency would also regulate the provision of postal services in the country.

The bill also provides for the creation of the National Communications Agency (Anacom), replacing the current National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), which will also regulate the services of the National Postal System, modifying Law 9,472 of July 1997 ” says the ministry note.

Also according to the portfolio, the project foresees “the obligation on the part of the Union to guarantee the provision of the Universal Postal Service through a state company”, but “allows the services provided in the National Postal System to be exploited in private.”

The ministry note also informs that “the postal service” will be “delegated to the Designated Postal Operator during the privatization process of the Post Office.”

The Minister of Communications, Fabio Faria, talks about the privatization of Correos. – Photo: Guilherme Mazui

Shortly before the release of the note, the Minister of Communications, Fabio Faria, was at the Planalto Palace to deliver the project dealing with the privatization of the Post Office to the Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Jorge Oliveira.

After the meeting with Oliveira, the Minister of Communications spoke with journalists and said that the project presented by him “will provide conditions” for the privatization of Correos to take place in 2021.

The minister did not present the project to the press. The text, he said, is “more about principles than rules,” since the National Congress will discuss the privatization of the Post Office.

“We are talking about 2021, the project will arrive [ao Congresso] early next year. And, by the end of 2021, the idea is to vote and for the Post Office to be ready for the privatization process, ”he said.

“The National Congress must address this issue. It is there where the arena will be debated where all the necessary requirements will be debated, dealing with the universal delivery of Post Office, in relation to employees, all this will be treated with great care in the National Congress “, full.

In August 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro said that the post office was at the top of the list for privatizations.

In August 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro said that the post office was at the top of the list for privatizations.

Faria said that a consulting firm hired by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Accenture, will issue an opinion on the matter within 120 days.

According to him, this opinion will be sent to Congress, which will deal with the post-privatization rules.

The minister said that state employees will have “an opportunity” to speak with parliamentarians and that the privatization will not be “abrupt”.

“No one is going to do this process suddenly. It will be done at the right time, Congress will surely know how to be fair in relation to this issue,” he said.

Faria did not want to answer about the expected collection with the future privatization. The minister declared that the idea of ​​the project is “to improve the delivery capacity of the Post Office”, with the maintenance of universal service.

“One thing that is very clear: who receives the letters, who receives the receipts, who receives a package from the Post Office in any part of the country, the universalization part, that remains. No one will stop receiving it. work in that direction, ”he said.
