Porto Alegre changes to orange flag remotely


The State Government announced this Monday that 17 of the 21 regions will have the orange flag in the 17th round of Controlled Distance. Porto Alegre is one of the areas that have been classified as medium risk for coronavirus. The capital of Rio Grande do Sul had had a red flag since June 23.

According to the state government, the decision arises from the stabilization of the spread indicators of Covid-19 and the occupation of beds. As a result, only the regions of Santo Ângelo, Cruz Alta, Ijuí and Santa Rosa obtained the red flag in this round.

In addition to the Capital, the other regions with the orange flag this week are: Taquara, Capão da Canoa, Pelotas, Lajeado, Santa Cruz do Sul, Novo Hamburgo, Palmeira das Missões, Canoas, Passo Fundo, Caxias do Sul, Santa Maria, Uruguaiana , Guaíba, Erechim, Bagé and Cachoeira do Sul

The preliminary map for the 17th round of controlled distancing, released last Friday, featured 10 regions with a red flag. After analyzing seven requests for reconsideration, the Crisis Office accepted the appeals presented by the Taquara and Passo Fundo regions, which are on the orange flag.

This Monday, Rio Grande do Sul beat the 3,435 deaths from coronavirus. Updated data from the State Health Secretariat (SES) still show that the State has a total of 125,813 infected since the start of the pandemic.

The four red flag regions add up to 79 municipalities, with 918,268 inhabitants, which represents 8.1% of the state’s population. Among them, 45 cities, which have 241,273 inhabitants (2.1% of the population) will be able to adopt orange flag measures for not registering hospitalization and death from Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to the count. Cities may adopt their own activity protocols, provided that they keep their respective information systems updated.

The areas of Santo Ângelo and Ijuí, which are classified as high risk for coronavirus, have already adhered to the co-management system, as well as: Taquara, Novo Hamburgo, Canoas, Porto Alegre, Palmeira das Missões, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Caxias do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul and Lajeado.

Red flag regions must follow tighter restrictions to avoid contagion from midnight Tuesday through September 7.


The regions of Taquara, Novo Hamburgo, Palmeira das Missões, Canoas and Porto Alegre obtained a final score of 1.50, that is, exactly in the middle between the orange flag (note 1) and the red flag (note 2). Thus, the Crisis Office decided, due to the context of stabilization of beds occupied by patients with Covid-19, to allow regions with a final score of 1.50 to turn orange.

The same logic was applied to the security lockout rule. When the bed occupancy of Covid patients increased, the government ranked regions that had had more than one red flag in the past three weeks, a two-week confirmation in orange to ensure they could reduce the level of restrictions. With the stabilization of the indicators, the government understands that it is possible to grant flexibilities given the improvement in the data in the last week.

Party conventions

The Crisis Office has also defined protocols for parties that wish to personally hold party conventions for the 2020 municipal electoral campaigns. The adjustments require the mandatory use of a mask, respiratory tag, cleanliness of the environments, occupation of seats or tables, which You must insert a social distance of 9m² between the people of the place, regardless of whether it is open or closed. The full list is available at this link.

The Crisis Office made adjustments to the recommended protocols for the four flags on the Controlled Distance map.

Drive-in (shows and cinema type shows):

– Red flag: fenced.
– Orange flag: you can work with 75% of the vacancies, with the appropriate distance.
– Yellow flag: 100% vacancies and distance.
– Orange and yellow flags: the public must stay inside the cars; Only people are allowed to go to the bathrooms, with the use of a mask and a line with a marked distance.

Physical education services (gyms, training center, studios and the like):

– Red flag: 25% of workers and restricted face-to-face operation modality, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (minimum 16m² per person).
– Orange flag: 50% of workers and restricted mode of operation in person, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (min. 10m² per person).
– Yellow flag: 60% of workers and restricted face-to-face mode of operation, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (min. 6m² per person).
– Inclusion of Ordinance SES 582/2020, which has measures to be adopted by establishments.

Physical education services in swimming pools (open or closed):

– Red flag: fenced.
– Orange flag: 50% of workers and restricted face-to-face service, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (1 person per lane and min. 10m² per person for the others).
– Yellow flag: 60% of the workers and restricted face-to-face care, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (one person per lane and min. 6m² per person for the others). Team sports with exclusive contact for professional athletes are allowed.
– Inclusion of Ordinance SES 582/2020, which has measures to be adopted by establishments.

Social, sports and related clubs:

– Red flag: it is possible to work with 25% of the workers and restricted face-to-face service, at a distance, without physical contact, individual material (min. 16m² per person).
– Orange flag: 50% workers and restricted face-to-face service, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (min. 10m² per person); Group sports with exclusive contact for professional athletes are allowed.
– Yellow flag: 60% of workers and restricted face-to-face assistance, with distance, without physical contact, individual material (min. 6m² per person); it also allows the practice of team sports with contact exclusively for professional athletes.
– Inclusion of Ordinance SES 582/2020, which has measures to be adopted by establishments.
