
The channel Porta dos Fundos reported on Monday night (23) that it deleted the video “Yollanda Vereadora”, in which she made a macho joke against the elected councilor Indiara Barbosa, of the New Party, the most voted in Curitiba in the 2020 elections The content was accessible for more than 24 hours and generated much criticism of the producer, even from the left.
The video falsely implied that the councilwoman was a prostitute, had affairs with directors of Novo, participated in orgies and would only have won the elections for “leaking nudes.”
“Porta dos Fundos recognizes that the video” Yollanda Vereadora “does not agree with what it believes and, therefore, chose to remove it from its channels. The character has been around for nine years, a lady who values her sexual freedom, and is totally fictional. At no time did Porta dos Fundos attempt to parody or mock a real person. Porta dos Fundo believes that Brazil needs more women in public office and thanks its community for always changing and growing together ”, informs the note sent to the press and published on the channel’s social networks.
In an interview with newspapers Indiara said she believed in the political and ideological motivations behind the video’s release that falsely implied that the success at the polls was related to sexual favors. “I think so, because the criticism was very strong in relation to the party and the ideas it represents. They criticized the society of Curitiba and my party. In a way, there is an ideological bias, ”he said.