Pope calls the SP Cardinal concerned about a “serious pandemic” by covid-19 – 09/05/2020


Pope Francis spoke this morning with the Archbishop of São Paulo, Cardinal Odilo Pedro Screrer, to express his concern about the proportion of the covid-19 pandemic in São Paulo.

According to the Archdiocese of São Paulo, Francisco called Dom Odilo’s cell phone directly after receiving information about the number of patients in the city.

“Today, at 11:40 am, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from Pope Francis on my cell phone,” the cardinal wrote in an official statement. “He asked how we are in São Paulo, since he had information about the serious situation of the pandemic.”

Pope Francis - REUTERS / Yara Nardi

Pope Francisco

Image: REUTERS / Yara Nardi

According to the archbishop, Francisco expressed “great concern over the increasing number of patients and the loss of life.” After promising to send prayers to the capital, he asked about the poor.

He expressed his concern about their situation, knowing that they do not always have a home, nor adequate conditions to follow preventive measures against contagion.
Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo

The Pope also asked for prayers for him and “asked to pass on his apostolic blessing to all.”

I thanked him and said that his call and words were a great source of comfort to us and that he would pass them on to all of us, along with his apostolic blessing.
Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo
