“As a fazer to recognize the voice of Bom Pastor and a thief, as a fazer to distinguish inspiration from Deus da sugestão do maligno?” In response to this questioning, I guided the address of Pope Francis before praying or Regina Coeli on this Sunday of Bom Pastor.
Vatican News
Dear irmãos and irmãs, bom dia!
Or the fourth Sunday of Páscoa, which we celebrate hoje, is dedicated to Jesus Bom Pastor. Or Evangelho said: “As ovelhas ouvem to your voice: the chama as ovelhas hair nome” (Jo 10, 3). O Senhor calls us nome hair, calls us because he loves us. Porém, says Ainda or Evangelho, make other voices a não serem in a row: as strangers, thieves and criminals who love or badly ovelhas.
Those different voices ressoam within us. There is a voice of Deus, which gently deceives conscience, and there is a tempting voice that leads to evil. How to recognize the voice of Bom Pastor and a thief, how to distinguish inspiration from Deus da sugestão do maligno?
You can learn to discern these two voices: na verdade, elas falam duas different languages, ou seja, têm maneiras opposition de bater em nosso coração. Falam different languages. But as we know how to distinguish one language from another, we can also distinguish between the voice of Deus and the voice of the evil one.
In the voice of Deus he never works: Deus setes, he does not impose himself. On the other hand, in a ruim seduz, assalta, obriga voice: it raises dazzling illusions, tempting emotions, more passageiras. No start persuades us, we can prove that we are onipotent, but depois deixa vazios us on the inside and accuses us: “You are not worth anything.”
At Deus’s voice, contrary hair, he corrects us, with great patience, but he always encourages us, he consoles us: he always feeds hope. A voice of Deus is a voice that fears a horizon. In a loud voice, on another side, I raised you for a wall, I raised you for a song.
Outra differentiates. With the voice of an inimigo distracted from the present and I want us to focus on the future or on the sadness of the past, or on the enemy I do not want to be present: faces remind us of two mistakes, let them make us wrong and so many more memories.
On the other hand, in the voice of Deus fala not present: “Agora you can do fazer or bem, agora you can exercise the creativity of love, agora you can renounce the remorse and years that I keep prisoner or teu coração.” He encourages us, he raises us in front, but not present fala: agora!
And also: as your voices arise in our different questions. A vem de Deus will be: “O que faz bem?”. On the other hand, he will insist or tempt on another question: “O que eu gostaria de fazer?”. Or what I want! A ruim voice always revolves around the EU, its pulses, its needs, immediately and immediately. É as you whims give crianças, tudo e agora.
At the voice of Deus, contrary hair, he never promises to happiness to baixo preço: he invites us to go to além de nosso eu to find o verdadeiro bem, to peace. Lembremo-nos: or evil never gives peace, before it provokes or frenzy and left you bitter. This is the wrong style.
Finally, in the voice of Deus and a tempting falam in different “environments”: or inimigo prefere as trevas, a falsidade, a fofoca; o Senhor loves the light of the sun, truth, sincere transparency.
Or inimigo will tell us: “Date-te em ti mesmo, no te te understood e ouve mesmo, não confie!”. O bem, contrary hair, invites us to open ourselves, to be limpid and confident in Deus e nos outros.
Dear irmãos and irmãs, at this moment, so many thoughts and concerns have prompted us to re-enter our home. Let us pay attention to the voices that cheam ao nosso coração. Let us ask where we are from. We sin to thank and follow the voice of Bom Pastor, who will show us two precincts of selfishness and lead us to pastagens da verdadeira liberdade.
May Nossa Senhora, Mãe do Bom Conselho, oriente e acompanhe nosso discernimento.