PM was “peak” on his first night as a security guard at Carrefour, says lawyer – 11/20/2020


The temporary military police officer Giovane Gaspar da Silva, 25, was notified on Friday (20) by the Military Brigade of Rio Grande do Sul to present, within three days, his defense in the case of the murder of João Alberto Silveira Freitas, 40, on Thursday night (19), at the Carrefour supermarket in the north of Porto Alegre. The policeman pouted as a security guard on the spot, hired by the Vector company.

Silva, who is imprisoned at the headquarters of the PM (Military Police) in Porto Alegre, has been temporary since September 2018 and does not have specific training for security functions. OR Twitter It verified that the accused is from the Army and had no other history of aggression. The PM is located in the Department of Integrated Command and Control of the Secretariat of Public Security of Rio Grande do Sul.

This type of service, the “picks”, are not allowed to the military police, even in Silva’s situation as temporary. In addition, the guards of the security companies must be registered by the Federal Police.

The lawyer hired by the defendant’s family to defend Silva said the man has no prior record and his friends consider him a calm and peaceful person. “He has a girlfriend, he goes to university, he has a simple life,” defined Deivid Leal da Silva. The lawyer met this morning with Silva, who is being held in the Police and Guard Battalion of the Military Brigade (BPG) accused of triple qualified homicide.

According to the defender, Silva was attacked by the victim before the attacks. The lawyer looks for circuits of images that show the assault. The prime minister pouted as a security guard at the supermarket and, according to the defense attorney, it was the first night the prime minister worked there.

The prime minister was also an individual microentrepreneur until 2018 at Gaspar, before joining the corporation. In the Federal Income, the company appears as “amortized”, that is, without commercial activity. There is no information on the main activity or the address in the registry.

“The family is shocked, afraid of violent reactions. They are simple people, they do not deserve to go through this,” said the lawyer. The defender said that he requested police access to the act, but has not yet received the documentation.

João Alberto Silveira Freitas and his wife, Milena Borges Alves (e);  was beaten in a Carrefour store in Porto Alegre and died - Personal archive - Personal archive

João Alberto Silveira Freitas and his wife, Milena Borges Alves (e); was beaten in a Carrefour store in Porto Alegre and died

Image: Personal archive

Military Brigade must expel the policemen implicated in the death

The commander-in-chief of the Military Brigade, Colonel Rodrigo Mohr, said that Silva’s expulsion from the troops is practically irreversible.

“Because it is transitory, it can be dismissed at any time, despite having the right to a broad defense. The crime itself already enables us to take exclusive measures. Regarding what happened, it cannot be said that it was an approach. The case was resolved , the man was in the parking lot and the security guards had to wait only for the arrival of the Military Brigade.

Temporary PMs join the Military Brigade through a special selection, aimed precisely at graduates of the Armed Forces. They work for a period of two years, renewable for two more, and receive the initial salary of the corporation, which is R $ 3.7 thousand.

PMs are hired for specific functions, mainly administrative and internal. They can also act in the external guard of prisons. As temporary workers are selected for administrative duties only, they cannot wear military uniforms or weapons.
