Called the restricted phase, this phase runs until November 15. During this period, only a few bank customers will be able to make payment transactions at specific times. Only from the 16th the PIX will be fully operational, for all registered customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are two main objectives of this restricted phase of the PIX:
- Verify the operation of the PIX in the production environment of the banks and the Central Bank
- Try all available PIX use cases for the full version of the system
Understand what PIX is and how it will work
According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), the BC instructed financial institutions to select users capable of operating on the PIX in order to reflect the profile of their clients, both individuals and companies, in terms of age and location. geographical.
“It is worth noting that in the restricted operation period, all customers should already be able to receive a PIX by manually inserting or using a PIX key (as long as they have registered keys), while selected customers will have access to the full functionality of PIX “Febraban.
In other words, in the restricted phase of the PIX, which runs until November 15, only clients selected by the banks will be able to make payments, but anyone who has already registered a key in the new system will be able to receive transfers.
In this restricted phase of operations, the PIX will only work at predefined times:
- 9 a. M. At 10 p. M. on November 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15
- 9 am to midnight on days 5 and 12
- From 0am to 10pm on days 6 and 13
On November 16, the PIX will begin operating at 9 am. From that moment on, it will work 24 hours a day, every day of the year, 24 hours a day.
The PIX is a new means of payments and transfers developed by the Central Bank to facilitate financial transactions. It is not an application or a bank, and it works with the accounts that the client already has in a financial institution.
The market expectation is that the system will be a great replacement for DOCs and TEDs, as it is free and available anytime, seven days a week. The amount drops instantly.