A pit bull named Thor was shot and killed at dawn on Friday the 2nd, in São Cristóvão, in the North Zone of Rio. The man who was walking the dog, on Rua Bonfim, was shot twice and is hospitalized. . The case has been moving social networks throughout the day.
Animal activist Randel Silva launched the hashtag #JusticePorThor around 2 p.m. Your Instagram post has surpassed 5,000 likes. On Facebook, it was shared a thousand times.
According to Randel, the victim’s stepdaughter, who identified herself as Thor’s guardian, said her dog was in the muzzle and guiding her at the time of the attack. The motivation of the perpetrator of the shots would have been, according to the woman, that the pit bull had approached the aggressor’s dog to smell it. The dog was hit by three shots.
“This coward has fled and needs to be identified and jailed,” said the environmental expert in the mail, asking for help from Internet users. “SPREAD a lot so that it reaches someone who has witnessed the crime,” he added, highlighting the importance of increasing the penalty for anyone who mistreats dogs and cats.
Through a statement, Randel Silva reinforced his request for justice.
“Enough with so much blood spilled,” he said. “We have to find out who committed this barbarity.”
In a statement, the State Secretariat for Animal Protection of the State of Rio (SUPAN) also ruled on the case and “strongly repudiated any act against animals, especially when the actions lead to death or irreparable damage.”
“SUPAN contacted the animal’s guardian and requested that Thor’s body be sent to the Jorge Vaitsman Municipal Institute of Veterinary Medicine, in Mangueira, to carry out the research tests,” he explained. “The undersecretary has also contacted the Environmental Protection Commission so that the specialist can take charge of the investigation of the case.”
The penalty for the crimes of abuse, mistreatment or mutilation against dogs and cats can be determined in prison from two to five years.
The event was recorded on December 17. Wanted, the Civil Police have not yet sent information.