RÍO – In the testimony given to the Public Ministry of Rio Luiza Sousa Paes, former assistant to Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, admitted that he returned more than 90% of his salary and was left with only R $ 700 a month from the illegal scheme in the office of the “01” in the Legislative Assembly of Rio. The complaint against Flávio and Fabrício Queiroz, obtained by GLOBO, exposes other employees in similar situations, found through violations of bank secrecy and other efforts. Luiza herself told investigators that her advisers were also “ghosts.” From the crossing of bank data, the prosecution identified variations in what it considered an “allowance” withheld by them before the return of wages, with values between R $ 300 and R $ 1,900. One of the defendants even took note, found in an extract seized, in celebration of the expansion of the portion not transmitted to Queiroz. The defenses of Flávio and Queiroz deny the irregular practices indicated by the MP.
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According to the complaint, the money paid by Alerj to these three advisers, all designated as “ghosts,” was returned to Queiroz through operations in kind that, in general, followed the same logic: the salaries and benefits deposited were withdrawn from the accounts. and transferred to Flávio’s advisor through cash deposits, without identified origin. To a lesser extent, Queiroz also received identified wire transfers from cabinet members.
In her testimony to the MP, Luiza also said that she had met other named persons in Flávio’s office who lived in a similar situation to hers: named without working. He cited personal trainer Nathália Queiroz, daughter of the financial operator, and Sheila Coelho de Vasconcellos, another former advisor.
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