PGR banned prosecutors who tried to arrest Gilmar


The Attorney General’s Office prohibited a maneuver by the Rio de Janeiro MPF to prevent Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Federal Supreme Court from hearing a case involving Orlando Diniz, former president of Fecomercio-RJ.

The PGR prohibited the maneuver of the Rio prosecutors to prevent Gilmar from judging the case related to the Orlando Diniz complaint

In violation of the law organized by the MP, state prosecutors asked the STF to consider Gilmar a suspect in order to judge a lawsuit filed by Minister Napoleão Nunes Maia, of the Superior Court of Justice. However, the deputy attorney Lindôra Araújo, responsible for the “lava lava” in the PGR, prevented the fraud.

“The exception does not go beyond the admissibility judgment, due to the absence of a subjective procedural assumption, since the appellant has the capacity to officiate before the Federal Supreme Court,” Lindôra said in a petition sent to the STF on September 14.

According to Complementary Law 75/93, which establishes the organization, functions and Statute of the Public Ministry, only the PGR can act with the STF. Therefore, first degree prosecutors do not have the standing to act directly in court.

In addition, the internal regulations of the Supreme Court, when it comes to the role of the MP, refers only to the PGR, showing that only he – or whoever he designates – can act in the STF on behalf of the parquet.

Taking into account the MP’s internal regulations, Lindôra stated that Gilmar could ignore the request of the attorneys and reported that the claim for impediment should be ignored.

The action

On August 7, Napoleão Nunes Maia asked the Supreme Court to denounce Orlando Diniz. The STJ minister made the request after being informed that Rio prosecutors illegally investigated him in the course of the MPF’s assault on law firms and that he is investigating an alleged influence peddling scheme in the STJ and TCU.

It was the lawsuit filed by Napoleón that the Rio prosecutors tried to wrest from Gilmar Mendes’ hands, running over the PGR. The disability claim is included in the STF monitoring, dated September 9 (AIMP 62). The speaker is Minister Luiz Fux.

With the ruse, the prosecutors tried to solve a scam with another: since the ministers of the higher courts have a special forum, the MPF could not investigate Napoleon. When his practices were questioned by the minister himself, washerwomen hindered access to Diniz’s complaint.

The prosecutors’ maneuver failed. On Friday (2/10), as reported by spells Gilmar judged Napoleon’s request first-hand and gave him access to the complaint.

As Gilmar was the chosen reporter of the case, the other trials involving the allegation of the former president of Fecomercio-RJ also fell, by way of prevention, into his hands.

Try to shame

In addition to the attempt to run over the PGR, washerwomen de Rio had already shown his teeth at another time. According to information from the magazine seeGilmar asked prosecutors for explanations about the existence or not of an investigation involving Napoleon.

In the document sent to the Supreme Court in response, members of the MPF attached an organization chart that connects Gilmar with one of the lawyers cited in the Fecomercio investigation.

The relationship pointed out by the MPF, however, “requires friendship”: to claim a supposed lack of impartiality from Gilmar, the text says that the minister’s brother-in-law has a daughter who is married to one of the mentioned lawyers.

