Performance: against São Paulo, Rodriguinho is the best in the field; defense must | bay


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In the first half, the Bahian team behaved well, despite the many absences, and was superior to the São Paulo tricolor. After the break, however, São Paulo made changes and managed to open 3-0 at Fonte Nova. Clayson pulled it out.

With the result, Bahía falls two positions in the table: it is twelfth, with 28 points.

The coach evaluates the highlights of the match, whether negative or positive.

He played improvised as a false 9, since Gilberto was serving a penalty. Focused on the lead, he again helped with the marking and managed to give flow to Bahia’s plays. However, he could have participated more, even more because of the space that the defense of the São Paulo team gave him in the first half.

A practically generalized failure, since the defense fell back at the beginning of the play, ended up highlighting the rear part of the defense. In the first goal for São Paulo, Ernando and Juninho do not understand each other and leave Luciano free to score on a bicycle [assista ao lance no vídeo abaixo].

São Paulo goal!  Shot with the right hand in the area, Luciano takes advantage of that defense that he cleared badly and made a bicycle mark, at 6 of the 2nd half

São Paulo goal! Shot with the right hand in the area, Luciano takes advantage of that defense that he cleared badly and made a bicycle mark, at 6 of the 2nd half

It was on the back of the Bahian midfielder that São Paulo’s second goal was achieved. Elías was the marker of Alto Arboleda, who went to balance the tricolor net in Fonte Nova [assista ao lance no vídeo abaixo].

São Paulo goal!  Reinaldo crosses the head of Arboleda, which rises higher than the back and scores, at 20 in the 2nd half

São Paulo goal! Reinaldo crosses the head of Arboleda, which rises higher than the back and scores, at 20 in the 2nd half

Despite contributing to speed on the right, Rossi ended up making more mistakes than he intended. The one on one did not go well and missed two great chances in the first half: after four minutes he hesitated before submitting and Volpi saved. [assista ao lance no vídeo abaixo]; At 50, he came out.

Rossi gets loose, Reinaldo wins in the race and crosses, but Volpiu saves, at 4 in the 1st half

Rossi is released, Reinaldo wins in the race and crosses, but Volpiu saves, at 4 of the 1st half
