Peninsula: the condo in Barra where the police hit the spot


RIO – One of the most luxurious condominiums in Barra, surrounded by lagoons and green areas, it has become a recurring operating address in the last four months. Since May, at least eight residents of the Peninsula have been visited by the police in the early hours of the morning. Last Friday, the Secretary of State for Education, Pedro Fernandes (PSC), who was arrested by a team of the Civil Police, ended up in prison. The day before, agents knocked on Mayor Marcelo Crivella’s door to issue a search and seizure order.

Crivella’s neighbors are the brothers Marcelo Alves, former president of Riotur, and businessman Rafael Alves. Documents were also collected from their apartments. But seeing the police arrive on the Peninsula is nothing new for residents. In 2014, Lava-Jato already carried out actions there. Named as one of the bosses of Petrobras’ criminal scheme, mechanical engineer Paulo Roberto Costa, for example, invested in real estate on the Peninsula. According to investigations, he bought at least four rooms in the suite.

Pedro Fernandes was one of the objectives of Operation Catarata, which investigates whether there were deviations of public resources in social assistance contracts. According to the Public Ministry of Rio, he was detained for alleged acts practiced when he was Secretary of State for Technology and Social Development in the governments of Sérgio Cabral and Luiz Fernando Pezão.

Crivella appears in the operation that investigates an alleged scheme of corruption, fraud and money laundering in the City Council. Rafael Alves would be the operator of the criminal group, according to the Public Ministry.

Leblon’s size

With 57 buildings and more than 15 thousand inhabitants, the Peninsula is located in an area of ​​780 thousand square meters, equivalent to the size of Leblon. The condominium has apartments for different profiles, with properties ranging from R $ 800 thousand to R $ 7 million.

– There are residential and commercial buildings, with headquarters for various companies, offices and offices. I would say that 60% of residents are middle class and 40% upper class – said the real estate broker Cláudia Chammas, who works in the local market.

Opened in 2014, the condominium has tennis courts, swimming pools, lakes, playgrounds, saunas, gyms and a shopping center, the Peninsula Open Mall, with shops, restaurants and services. Residents have facilities such as exclusive buses and ferries, as well as bike lanes.

According to the magazine of the Associação Amigos da Península (Assape), three parks and five thematic gardens guarantee a unique landscape to the place. One of the spaces has outdoor sculptures by renowned artists such as Franz Weissmann, Ascânio MMM and Caciporé Torres. Wanted, the association did not comment.
