PE resumes higher education on September 8 and extends suspension of basic education classes | State


The resumption of face-to-face classes in higher education, in Pernambuco, may occur as of September 8. The announcement was made by the state government in a press conference broadcast on Monday (31). The Secretary of Education and Sports, Fred Amâncio, also announced that, until September 15, the ban on classroom activities in basic education is extended.

The decree that suspends face-to-face classes across the state went into effect on March 18, days after the first records of coronavirus cases in the state. In July, the government published a preliminary protocol to resume classes in the state.

Among the rules is the minimum distance of one and a half meters between students, professionals and employees, in all environments. To ensure this, managers must reduce the number of students in classrooms and even adopt rotation.

The resumption is valid for macro-regions 1, 2 and for the regional management based in Petrolina. At the moment, macro-region 3 and Geres with offices in Arcoverde, Serra Talhada and Afogados da Ingazeira do not enter the launch, nor does the restart involve the two Geres that are in macro-region 4 with offices in Ouricuri and Salgueiro.

for the Petrolina region. Since July 17, he has been authorized to resume classes in language, professional and technical courses.

According to the secretary Fred Amâncio, the resumption will be done gradually, first with 25% of the students. On the 14th of the same month, 50% of the students can return. On September 21, 75% of these people will be able to return and, on September 28, all students will be able to return.

“The decision is up to the educational institutions. Almost all the students are adults over 18 years of age, adults. Another point is that the process will be done in stages, as we have already observed in free courses, and classes may take different institutions. they will be able to maintain only face-to-face activities, institutions with face-to-face activities coordinated with non-face-to-face activities ”, he stated.

Educational institutions must resume activities gradually, according to Fred Amâncio, so that the minimum distance between students is respected. He stated that the government recommends that students who are at the end of the courses be prioritized.

“We will have four stages, always remembering that this resumption is voluntary for both the institution and the students, who will be able to decide whether to resume now or whether, together with the institution, they will continue activities remotely,” he said.

State Health Secretary André Longo said the resumption was motivated by an improvement in the number of pandemics in the state. However, he said caution was still necessary as long as there was no vaccine against the virus.

“The figures point to a less serious time, but it is not yet time to relax, we cannot think that the disease is gone, the virus continues to circulate and we must continue to take great care and caution in all the decisions we have to make. take, “he explained.

Coronavirus in Pernambuco

Pernambuco has 445 new cases and 19 deaths from Covid-19

Pernambuco has 445 new cases and 19 deaths from Covid-19

Pernambuco confirmed, on Monday (31), 445 new cases and 19 deaths from Covid-19. With these additions, the state now has 125,539 confirmed patients, of which 25,533 are severe and 100,006 are mild, and 7,593 deaths of people infected with the new coronavirus. The figures are counted from March (see video above).

VIDEOS: ‘Is it like this now?’ What changes will the pandemic leave?
