PCDF agent piloted a National Force helicopter that crashed in Pantanal


The helicopter of the National Force that crashed this Thursday (10/8), in the Porto Jofre region, in Poconé (MT), was blown up by an agent of the Federal District Civil Police (PCDF). The accident occurred near the place where the fires affecting the Pantanal have been fought.

According to information from the O Livre portal, partner of MetropolisBrazilian Commander Renato de Oliveira Souza was hired by Luiz Fernando Berberick, from the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police (PCRJ), and Sergeant 2 from the Rio de Janeiro Military Police (PMERJ) Emerson Miranda Martins.

All were rescued by a Brazilian Navy helicopter and sent to Cuiabá for medical attention. The transport was carried out in an air Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Integrated Air Operations Center (Ciopaer) in Mato Grosso.

