Foi published, no Official Journal of União, o PAYMENT CALENDAR for the 2nd parcel do Auxílio Emergencia of R $ 600.
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Confirm, before, or a message from Professor Arthur Lima about the Emergency Aid:
Want to earn more than R $ 6,000 per month? Trust opportunity!
There has been a high level of training, there is a real chance of earning more than R $ 6,000 reais per month.
OR edital do contest Depen is published, and mapped 294 business bums, so that you do not enter the federal public service as a remuneration in the medium of private companies.
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Want to know more about this contest? Assista abaixo video:
Recebeu to 1st plot até April 30 (2020)? When will you receive the 2nd parcel?
Second or document published hoje, May 15, 2020, aquele que recebeu a 1ª parcel até 30 de abril (2020) will be soon to receive the second parcel do Auxílio em poupança social digital from the next fourth-feira (20/5/2020). A list of receivimento will take in account to data of nascimento do cidadão benefited.
For a withdrawal of two R $ 600 in “live dinheiro” (species), you will be able to become ugly as of June 2, 2020, also taking into consideration the date of birth.
Receivers of Bolsa Família
The one that receives or Bolsa Família terá um calendário distinct dos demais. You will be sent out as a second day (18) for beneficiaries with Social Identification Number (NIS) 1. You will be released on the following days.
Let’s go to calendar abaixo logo:
Veja or calendar for this public in POUPANÇA DIGITAL:
Veja or calendar for this public in SAQUE EM ESPÉCIE (DINHEIRO)
Published read that INCREASES number of beneficiaries
Or President Jair Bolsonaro publicou nova lei that traz important changes not R $ 600 Emergency Aid Offered Federal Governo hair, for the social protection two most needy during a Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and increases
According to the new decision of the president, More adolescents (under 18 years old) also passam to be able to receive or benefit.
On the other hand, another expected inclusion was from country heads of single family that, as well as most heads of family, also teriam direito ao benefício, or that ended up being vetoed (banned) by Bolsonaro.
Are you eating now or are you going to contests? Trust that you are edited that you are firing HOJE!
Or what is necessary to receive or R $ 600 Emergency Aid?
As a new decision of President Jair Bolsonaro (which is still awaiting confirmation from the National Congress) Those may have access to or benefit from the pre-encher requirements listed below:
- be over 18 years old, EXCEPT FOR MORE ADOLESCENT
- não ter emprego formal (with carteira assinada)
- be sem receber um benefício previdenciário (auxílio doença, aposentadoria for disability, among others)
- I will not be an official or a public employee
- Family income per capita of no maximum ½ minimum salary (R $ 525 per person) OU family income of no maximum 3 minimum salaries (R $ 3,135.00)
- I will not be receiving insurance, but I will
- be on the list of beneficiaries of the BPC / LOAS
- I have received no more than R $ 28,559.70 in taxable income in 2018, I have the IR payment no calendar year of 2018.
O president proibiutambém to enlargement of benefit for workers gives informality sem inscrição no Cadastro Único (CadÚnico).
Proibição na identification of beneficiary by profissão
A lei published hair governo também I withdrew a section that was listed by professionals who could receive or Emergency Assistance of R $ 600 from the government.
A justification foi that cities of other professionals who would be ready to receive or benefit ficariam de fora, ferindo or princípio da isonomia (pertaining to lei).
To the list below, as follows:
- administrator
- advocate
- artist
- social worker
- soccer athlete
- cabeleireiro
- barbeiro
- beautician
- manicure
- epilator
- machiner
- accountant
- imóveis corrector
- insurance brokerage
- profissional of physical education
- architect
- pharmacist
- occupational therapist
- physiotherapist
- speech therapist
- journalist
- leiloeiro
- massagist
- musician
- museologist
- nutritionist
- oceanographer
- peão de rodeio
- psychologist
- radialist
- public relations
- autonomous trade representatives
- secretaries
- touristologist
- tradutor and interpreter of LIBRAS
- profissionais artesanais fishermen
- fish farmers
- family farmers
- agricultural technicians
- cooperates ou associates of cooperative ou de associação de catadores de materiais recyláveis
- taxi drivers
- motorcycle taxi drivers
- application bikers
- school transport bikers
- walkers
- application providers
- diarists
- mineiros
- garimpeiros
- worship ministers
- missionaries
- theologians
- barraqueiros de praia
- camel
- baianas do acarajé
- garçons
- shellfish
- Caranguejo hunters
- the partners of legal weight that estejam INATIVES
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When was raised or R $ 600 Emergency Aid?
It is worth mentioning that the emergency aid was raised not the beginning of April this year (2020) to help workers who are in need and that they are not being able to work and lose their ganha-pao during a coronavirus pandemic. São três plots of R $ 600 released hair Governo Federal.
Have you ever registered to receive or request, but are you still waiting or R $ 600 Emergency Aid?
In the event of your request, this request has been denied and you do not know what to do, what material to follow, or what the Competition shows, step by step, or what may be happening.
Click on the image below to find complete information about the R $ 600 Emergency Aid for the Federal Government.