Representatives of the opposition to the government said they were in favor of Incra’s Provisional Measure (MP) (933/20). They also presented obstruction to pressure the vote on Provisional Measure 100/20. This deputy says about the extension of emergency aid until December, with payment reduced from R $ 600 to R $ 300. The objective of these deputies is to obtain amendments to return with the original value of the program.
“In addition to reducing emergency aid, the Bolsonaro government understands that the pandemic will end on December 31. As if misery was not distributed throughout Brazil, ”said Enio Verri, leader of the PT. Marcel van Hatten, deputy director of the Novo, opposed the obstruction of the opposition. “In October, we had only three sessions, in which nothing was voted,” he stressed.
Zé Silva (Solidariedade-MG) stated that MP 993 has the possibility for Incra to fulfill its role of guaranteeing that the agrarian reform is not just land distribution. This MP authorizes Incra to extend until July 28, 2023 a total of 27 personnel contracts for a fixed period to meet its needs. The extension applies to documents signed as of July 2, 2014.
On November 24 the matter will expire. He has the favorable opinion of Evair Vieira de Melo, MP for the PP-ES.