Only 107 of the 645 municipalities in SP are expected to reopen schools for reinforcement activities on September 8 | Saint Paul


A balance made by the State Department of Education indicates that only 107 of the 645 municipalities in the state of São Paulo plan to reopen schools next Tuesday (8) for complementary activities. The capital of São Paulo, which has 3 million students in the entire educational network, is one of the cities that has not allowed the return.

The state government has authorized public and private schools in the regions that have been in the yellow phase of the economic flexibility plan for at least 28 days to reopen for school reinforcement and complementary activities as of September 8, but the municipalities have autonomy to allow or veto the measure. The return to regular grade classes is scheduled for October 7th.

The rules for the reopening were published in the Official Gazette on Tuesday (1) and the government announced that it will pay additional public school teachers who return to work in person. Regular classes must continue via the Internet, remotely.

The secretariat also revealed which series will have priority return in the state of SP:

  • 1st and 2nd year of Primary, which is the literacy period;
  • 5th and 9th year of Primary;
  • 3rd grade high school

In September, only reinforcement activities, study orientation, doubts, evaluations, emotional reception and cultural activities can be offered. Physical education activities can be carried out, but respecting the distance of 1.5 m, and preferably outdoors.

They are prohibited: fairs, talks, meetings and sports championships.

In addition to distance protocols, mandatory use of masks, availability of alcohol gel, staggered entrances and exits, schools may receive up to 20% of the total number of students in all grades per day.

At meals, preference will be given to foods that do not require handling or preparation, the so-called dry snack.

Student participation in classroom activities is not required. Students in the Covid-19 risk group cannot return and teachers and staff only return if they sign a term of responsibility.

In the case of the city of São Paulo, Mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB) prohibited the reopening after the result of the serological survey, mapped by the municipal administration, noting that more than 64% of children and adolescents who have already had contact with Covid-19 in the city are asymptomatic. In the second stage of the study, the percentage of asymptomatic students increased to 70%.

Covas said he will only decide whether to release the return to face-to-face classes in the city in 2020 after the result of the third stage of the student serological survey, which will be released on September 15.

The São Paulo government also monitors international experiences. In Wuhan, the Chinese city where the pandemic began, classes resumed on Tuesday.

In Paris, France, despite guidelines, some students were unable to keep their distance. In New York, United States, the mayor gave in to pressure from teachers and school principals and postponed the return to school from September 10 to 21.

The Secretary of State for Education, Rossieli Soares, does not rule out making the same decision and postponing the start of face-to-face classes, scheduled for October 7.

“During the month of September we will evaluate more carefully, learning from these initiatives to prepare the October declaration or evaluating during the month if the date is appropriate,” he said.
