One day after admitting the possibility of recreating ministries, Bolsonaro denies intention to reopen folders | Politics


President Jair Bolsonaro this Saturday (30) denied the intention of recreating ministries to house allies on the Esplanade.

The speech contradicts the president himself, who on Friday (29) said that he could reopen portfolios if there is a “climate” among the parliamentarians with the victories of the candidates supported by the government in the elections to the presidency of the House and Senate.

He said that if he had prior knowledge of the potential of three government secretaries, the departments of Culture, Fisheries and Sports would be ministries. Currently, the structures are in charge of the secretaries Mário Frias, Jorge Seif and Marcelo Magalhães respectively.

This Saturday, while visiting a motorcycle dealership in Brasilia, Bolsonaro denied his intention to recreate the folders.

“There is no recreation of the ministry. I praised the three secretaries, who do a brilliant job, ”Bolsonaro said.

The government has 23 ministries, one more than the start of the administration in 2019, and eight more than the 15 promised during the 2018 election campaign.

“The compliment I gave them is for the work they do, they deserved to be ministers. It is not about creating ministries as you have suggested negotiating with nothing. It is not planned. It is not easy to create a ministry. It’s bureaucracy, a little more spending. It is not foreseen ”, said the president.

The Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, was a ministry in the governments of Lula and Dilma Rousseff.

The Secretariats of Culture and Sports lost their status as ministries at the beginning of Bolsonaro’s government. The Sports area is linked to the Ministry of Citizenship. The Department of Culture was part of the Citizenship structure and is currently part of the Ministry of Tourism.
