On the eve of leaving office, Trump sends a farewell message: ‘Our movement has just begun’ | World


In the recording, about 20 minutes long, the Republican took stock of his four-year term in different sectors and thanked his assistants, Vice President Mike Pence and supporters. Trump wished the new government luck, but at no time did he name Biden.

“Now that I am preparing to hand the job over to a new government, I want you to know that the movement we have created is just beginning,” he said.

Trump bids farewell to US presidency: 'Proud of all we have accomplished together'

Trump bids farewell to US presidency: ‘Proud of all we have accomplished together’

Trump said he was never a politician and that he ran for president because “he knew there were new and very high peaks in the United States waiting for him to scale them.” “I knew our nation’s potential was great, as long as we put America first.” said.

“Our agenda was not about right or left, it was not about Republicans or Democrats, but about the good of a nation, and that means the entire nation.”

Without mentioning any specific points, Trump also said that, “As the most powerful nation in the world, the United States faces constant external threats and challenges.”.

“But the greatest danger we run is the loss of confidence in ourselves. The loss of confidence in our greatness,” he said.

Below are excerpts from Trump’s farewell speech.

Invasion of the Capitol and network blocking

An official prepares the memorial for the victims of Covid-19 with American flags in front of the Capitol on Tuesday (19), the eve of Joe Biden’s inauguration – Photo: Carlos Barria / Reuters

In the recording, Trump condemned the extremists who invaded the headquarters of the United States Congress on the day of Biden’s official appointment as president-elect. The invasion occurred moments after the Republican spoke, leading to an impeachment process passed in the House and awaiting trial in the Senate, which is expected to occur when Trump is no longer president.

“All Americans were horrified by the assault on our Capitol. Political violence is an attack on everything we hold dear as Americans. It can never be tolerated,” Trump said.

Blocked on social media after being accused of inciting violence, Trump said the “firm belief in free speech and open debate” was at the “core of the American heritage.” He did not directly mention the decision of the technology giants, but said: “It is not even conceivable that censorship is carried out in the United States,” he defended.

“America is not a timid nation of domesticated souls who think they need to be protected from those who disagree. This is not who we are.”

Vaccines and economic growth

Many Pfizer vaccines are transported at Louisville Airport in Kentucky, USA – Photo: Michael Clevenger / Pool via REUTERS

In the statement, Trump again referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus,” a name he has been using since the pandemic began nearly a year ago, and said the United States was doing better economically than other nations. This Tuesday, the country reached 400 thousand deaths from Covid-19.

Trump also celebrated the rapid development of vaccines, saying it would take other governments “three to 10 years to produce them.” “We did this in nine months,” he said. Vaccination in the United States began in December, but officials fear doses will be missed in the coming weeks.

United States President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump take a selfie with United States military personnel during an unannounced trip to Al Asad Air Force Base in Iraq on December 26, 2018 – Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP / Archive

In addition, in a campaign tone and the final balance of the four years of government, Trump celebrated the United States’ exit from the Paris Agreement, said that it had met the goals of increasing security on the border with Mexico and praised the pressure imposed on others . member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

“The world respects us again. Please don’t lose that respect,” he said.

No military field, Trump celebrated the fact that he did not put the country into new wars while increasing spending in the military sector., including the creation of a new branch of the Armed Forces, the Space Force.

The tycoon also celebrated the action that ended with the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, a year ago, and the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. According to the president, US diplomacy managed to reach “historic peace agreements” in the Middle East.

“It is dawn in the Middle East and we are bringing our soldiers home.”

Flags cover the National Walk in Washington, DC, in preparation for Joe Biden’s inauguration, in a Jan. 18, 2021 photo – Photo: Carlos Barria / Reuters

Joe Biden assumes the position of president of the United States on Wednesday (20), in a ceremony in Washington. Due to the pandemic, the event will not have a public presence as in other years. The National Guard army tightens security with concerns about extremists after the Capitol invasion. As has rarely happened in history, President Donald Trump will not be around to broadcast the post.
