Old bosses, animals, weapons and gender: what the Paulistano chose to the House – 11/16/2020 – Power


In the midst of old acquaintances of São Paulo politics who will maintain their presence in the next legislature, such as Milton Leite (DEM) and Eduardo Suplicy (PT), the São Paulo man chose a very heterogeneous set of agendas for the legislative period that begins in 2021.

Judging by the most voted candidates, it can be said that the man from São Paulo cares about safety, gender issues, and animal rights.

Leite, known for being a kind of baron from the south of São Paulo, must maintain his strong influence in the administration of Bruno Covas (PSDB) in the City Council, if he prevails, in the second round, over Guilherme Boulos (PSOL).

Seven months after becoming an octogenarian, Suplicy holds the second most voted councilor seat for the second time and has already become something of a party symbol in the House.

Despite the reduction of the PT vote in the capital, the party bank should not be small or new. Petistas Tatto, one of the most traditional political families in the city, could not take off the candidacy for mayor of former Secretary of Transportation Jilmar Tatto, who finished sixth, but will be in the City Council with Jair Tatto and Arselino Tatto.

Tripoli, Xexéu, elected for the first time in 2016, and Roberto in the Chamber since 1989, will also be in the legislature twice, but he was out since 2015, when he joined Alesp. The former is affiliated with the PSDB and the latter with the PV, and both have a preferential agenda on animal rights, which has kept the family in evidence in the city in recent decades.

The theme also serves as a banner for newcomer Felipe Becari (PSD), an influencer with more than 1 million followers on Instagram and an activist for the animal cause. He was the fourth best voted this year, with 98,700 votes.

Another influencer with almost half a million followers on Instagram raised to power is Delegado Palumbo (MDB), who campaigned for what he calls “victims’ rights” and called for more punishment for bandits and was elected with a harsh speech in the security area. public.

Third most voted in the city, with 118,300 votes, it should help pull other names from the MDB, whose results were relatively discreet. The party will be able to have a presence in the City Council with Ricardo Nunes, candidate for vice president on the Bruno Covas list.

Gender agendas entered through different paths and political biases: there were two trans women councilors, Erika Hilton (PSOL) and Thammy Miranda (PL), in addition to the Feminist Bench (PSOL), a collective of five co-veterans, the latest fad in the politics of São Paulo. – whose main proposals are the fight against violence against women and the LGBTQ population.

They will have as a colleague the current mayor, Eduardo Tuma (PSDB), who opposes what is conventionally called “gender ideology.” Re-elected with more than 40 thousand votes, Tuma was also among the most voted, but behind Hilton, Miranda and the Feminist Bank.

Of every 5 São Paulo citizens who voted, 1 preferred not to choose a name or party: the rate of white and null votes for the capital’s legislature reached, according to the Superior Electoral Court, 19.5% this year.
