Nubank Announces Acquisition of Easynvest Broker


SÃO PAULO – Nubank announced on Friday (11) that it acquired the Easynvest broker. The agreement marks the entry of digital banking into the investment world, which will be a new branch of the company from now on.

The brokerage has 1.5 million clients and more than R $ 20 billion in custody. Trading values ​​were not disclosed.

According to the digital bank, for now nothing changes for the clients of the two platforms.

The companies continue to operate separately and a working group will be formed to plan the next steps for the integration of services after approval by the Central Bank and the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade).

In a note, David Vélez, founder and CEO of Nubank, highlighted that the investment market in Brazil is still very complex, with expensive products and many distortions and that the goal is to bring simplicity and efficiency to people.

This year, this is the third acquisition for Nubank, which currently has 15 million customers using the purple credit card. In January, the digital bank acquired technology consulting firm Plataformatec and, in July, it acquired US software engineering company Cognitect.

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