Not for those who wanted: Enem Digital vacancies in Bahia fill in 24 hours – Jornal CORREIO


The 3 thousand vacancies in the digital modality of the National Secondary Exam (Enem) available for Bahia were filled the first day of registration for the exam, the second, 11/5. This will be the first year of the online version of the assessment. Salvador and Feira de Santana are the only cities in Bahia that will have this new feature.

The Ministry of Education (MEC) reported that registration for the exam will run until May 22 and that 1.5 million candidates have already registered. The registration confirmation card, with the location of the exam, will be delivered to students in October. Assessments will be applied in November and individual results will be available in January.

For the first time, 100,000 candidates will answer the questions on the computer. This modality has the same logistical structure as the printed model. The tests will be carried out at accredited application stations in the cities defined in the notice and the machines will be available from the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (Inep).

In Bahia, only the cities of Salvador and Feira de Santana will offer Enem Digital. There are 2,500 vacancies in the capital and 500 in Princesa do Sertão, but all are already filled. According to the MEC, as of 10 a.m. this Tuesday (12), nearly 93,000 people had chosen the Enem online mode and the vacancies ended first in locations in the north, northeast and midwest. Besides Bahia, there are no more vacancies in the states of Alagoas, Amazonas, Ceará, Goiás, Maranhão and Pará.

Student Juliana Oliveira, 18, was upset to learn that she missed the opportunity to take the digital exam. “I wanted to do it to see how it is and also because I feel more comfortable answering the simulations on the computer than on paper. Enem is a very exhausting test, there are hours and hours studying the wallet, and last year I had back pain. Too bad I didn’t sign up soon, ”he lamented.

The country’s 27 capitals will offer Enem Digital. São Paulo has the largest number, with 15 thousand exams of this type, and Boa Vista (RR) the smallest, with only 50 tests. In the northeast, Bahía has the same number as Pernambuco, 3 thousand vacancies. The most contemplated state was Paraíba with 3.7 thousand, followed by Ceará (3.3 thousand), Rio Grande do Norte (2.3 thousand), Alagoas (2 thousand), Maranhão (1.5 thousand), Piauí (1.5 thousand) and Sergipe (1 one thousand).

While Juliana plans to sign up for Enem until next weekend, other candidates were lighter. In 2020, the number of registrants for both modalities on the first day was higher than last year. Inep registered a total of 1,548,671 records at 10 am Tuesday, with 1,455,736 for the printed version. Last year, the system had 1.3 million candidates at the end of the first day.


The MEC’s ​​decision to keep Enem’s dates for November this year has been controversial. This Tuesday, the Union of Education Workers of the State of Bahia (APLB) filed a public civil action in the Federal Regional Court (TRT) requesting that the exam schedule be suspended. The entity’s general coordinator, Rui Oliveira, said that the new coronavirus pandemic increased inequality among candidates.

“We cannot treat those who are unequal equally. It does not work in times of pandemic, when the private schools of excellence are taking normal remote classes, classes, no activities, classes to prepare for Enem, while 70% of the 55 million Brazilian students do not have access to any type of resource . How can we treat those who are so unequal equally? In this perspective, we are filing a public civil action, requesting the suspension of the date of the tests, ”he stated.

Rui is also a member of the National Confederation of Education Workers (CNTE) and said the organization has also submitted a request to extend the exam dates. The entities await the response of justice.

In Bahia, public school classes have been suspended since March. The measure was taken to slow the progress of contamination of the new coronavirus. Students have been without classes and activities since then.

In April, a court decision in São Paulo ordered the suspension of Enem, but the Ministry of Education appealed. The MEC changed the date of the digital exams from October to November, the same month that the printed evaluations will be carried out, but it does not intend to suspend the exam. The Office of the Public Defender (DPU), political parties, and class entities are also calling for the testing date to be changed.


The opening of Enem’s records resumed discussion about the implications of the exam amidst the pandemic scenario. See an interview with Ademar Celedônio, director of Teaching and Educational Innovations at SAS Plataforma de Educação:

CORREIO: What are the implications of keeping Enem in November?

Since the third week of March, most schools have closed in Brazil, both public and private. Most private schools have somehow managed to minimize this impact through remote activities, video classes, and other technology projects. Public schools, on the other hand, have decreed holidays, some states have decreed holidays to have time to organize, and some are even returning now. Other states have failed. There was a loss in the continuity of studies in at least 20 days and even today some educational networks in some states still cannot carry out 100% of the remote activities. We have very good examples, such as that of the state of Amazonia, which already had a very well-developed center for class distribution. It became one of the cases in Brazil. But we have states in the federation that have not yet been successful. So, to the extent that these young people do not have the basic minimum, which is what they had before in face-to-face education, there is a tendency that, when they return, we will not be able to have them review the contents until the exam.

There is an expectation, even looking at international organizations, that the return to school will be partial, so we will probably not return to the whole class, they will be rotators. This shows that even going back in person, we will have a difficult year to complete the content of the program. What is requested is an extension of the dates to try to reduce the damage that the student will have without these activities. Of course, when I return, the networks can bring one more class up to date, using Saturdays and holidays to minimize the impact, but we already have nine weeks with school activities in Brazil stopped, with the expectation of spending 14 or 15 weeks without classes It’s a lot, it’s a void. Not to mention that the year of preparation is already a different year, with many tensions.

Provisional Measure 934 determined that you do not need 200 school days in 2020, you only need to complete 800 school hours. For basic education it is a good idea, but for those who are in the third year of high school it is almost harmless because they must keep a schedule. When the student is in seventh grade, they can replace the content they did not see in the following grades. When you have 15 weeks without classes, if you multiply by five school days, it is 75 days, multiplying by four classes that the person does not attend, there are 300 classes not seen in that period. It is a significant loss and, if it is shown to be a little further ahead, it could minimize and provide more comfort.

Some students who have internet access can learn at that time. But some students don’t because the classroom routine, the warmth of the teacher, colleagues, collaborative learning, is not the same remotely. So these are different experiences and there are likely to be inequalities in this process. There are inequalities both from the socioeconomic point of view because I have communities that can study at the moment because they have sufficient financial conditions and technological resources, and we have the other extreme, that they are students who cannot study because they do not have access to basic infrastructure. Internet: Whether it’s broadband, a device, a computer, or a capable smartphone. Since everyone is at home, we discovered that the Internet is overloaded. So we imagine that even those who have access to a 4g are having difficulties today because it is not as fast as in normal days.

What information about Brazilian students indicates that a postponement would be more prudent?

One thing that I think few people mention is that within Enem we have different categories. There are vacancies and a wide competition, which are generally applying for private school students. Private school students represent 15% of this universe and public schools represent 85%. So, I have social layers A, B, C and D. within the private school. Students in layers A and B have better conditions, they study in better schools, they have more Internet access, better devices. Within the public network there are states that are technically very good and there are states that cannot take classes yet. Within these two competition niches, inequality can still be generated if the test is applied in November. Level students who are more adapted and have access to the Internet are likely to be more successful on the test. It has different cuts where it can increase inequality within the groups themselves. Class A and B students can, in addition to their teacher who teaches at school, purchase other online courses and other activities that complement their study.

Free video lessons

The SAS education system launched a free program of live classes broadcast on YouTube for students preparing for the National High School Exam (Enem). New classes air daily at 2 pm. All the more than 700 classes already shown for the second and third year, as well as information on the course schedule and a complementary study plan, are available on the social network through the link br /

See where Enem Digital will be applied in the Northeast:

Salvador – 2.5 thousand vacancies
Feira de Santana – 500 places

Maceió – 1.5 thousand
Arapiraca – 500

Fortaleza – 3.1 thousand
Quixada – 100
Sobral – 100

São Luís – 1.2 thousand
Empress – 300

João Pessoa – 2.3 thousand
Campina Grande – 1.4 thousand

Recife – 2 thousand
Caruaru – 500
Petrolina – 500

Teresina – 1.4 thousand
Parnaiba – 100

Rio Grande do Norte
Natal – 2.3 thousand

Acaraju – 1.4 thousand
