Neymar denies staying with ‘BBB20’ Flayslane, and the singer responds: ‘Shame’


If in “Big Brother Brasil 20” Flayslane made a mystery about the famous that she would have already related, outside the house, the singer soon revealed that she had an affair with Neyma. The footballer did not like the revelation very much and denied with a comment on an Instagram: “laugh, not cry.” But the ex-confined woman responded to the provocation:

“I will say only one thing: I am woman enough to admit what I do. I never commented on that in the ‘BBB20’ because that is not a source of pride or shame for me. When Matheus Mazzafera looked at me and I asked, my gaze gave me away because I’m very transparent and I don’t have my tail tied to anyone to have to lie to me. Save me, I was just pretending to be insane, it was just a random walk. Lying just because you’re Neymar and I’m nobody? Now I’m ashamed to have stayed with you “, Flayslane wrote on Instagram “Gossip of the Day”.

At the same concert, Flayslane said she also stayed with Leo Santana in the past, but did not elaborate on when and where she would connect with the two celebrities. On social media, fans found the flyer for a show the former BBB did on the same day as the ax singer.
