New Year’s Eve pandemic: a change in Copacabana has ‘custom’ fireworks


RIO – Even without the traditional countdown, you could see, along Copacabana beach, at midnight, some people scattered along the shore, on the sand or on the roofs of buildings, who insisted on celebrating the arrival of the new year with fireworks Without the city’s traditional fireworks display, it was also possible to see the party in the skies over Niterói.

The little movement on the beach was not only registered in Rio de Janeiro. In the country’s main capitals, the pandemic has also left the edge of cities much emptier than is usually seen. In other countries, which celebrated the passage to 2021 earlier, the scene was also repeated in most cities, with streets practically empty under the flash of fires; some exceptions were recorded, such as in China and Ukraine (see New Year’s photo gallery in other countries).

– I bought fireworks so that Covid-19 would not destroy the beauty and tradition of the Copacabana fires – said the artist Rodrigo Pires, who bought more than 30 fires to explode in the sand.

One of the main burning points on the edge of the South Zone came from Morro da Babilônia, in Leme. On Av. Atlântica and Rua Bolívar, in Copacabana, the coverage was applauded for having guaranteed the fires at midnight.

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It was around 11 at night when the Copacabana boardwalk and the sand began to be a little more crowded than during the day. Even without the fireworks, some people decided to spend their turn on the beach. Accompanied by her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter, María Eliza Rezende retired, she took her chair to the boardwalk.

“Even without the fires, I wanted to keep the tradition of coming here,” he says.

Accompanied by a couple of friends, the retired Izabel Arrobada took a cooler and chairs to the sand to wait for the change.

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– I thought it was good because there are not many people, although the weather is sad because of the pandemic. We will miss him, this New Year’s Eve is one of the most famous in the world, a show. We miss the fires – highlights.

Off the coast, the communities of Rocinha and Santa Marta, in the South Zone, and Cidade de Deus, in the West Zone, also experienced fireworks.
