New judicial decision interrupts elections in Basque | Basque



The election in Basque is suspended. The Justice accepted the request for provisional protection of Faues Cherene Jassus, Mussa, president of the General Assembly of Vasco. Last Friday night, Judge Camilo Ribeiro Ruliére annulled the court order that determined the online elections for the next 14.

The queue outside São Januário to vote decreased after the information of the Justice decision to interrupt the election – Photo: ge

However, the polls remain open and members continue to cast their votes. According to Vasco, there will only be an interruption when the STJ’s decision reaches the club. The election started at 9:55 a.m. and was expected to end at 10 p.m.

Election of Basque – Photo: Hector Werlang

When the decision came out, there was shouting and celebration inside the gym from the Semper Vasco and Mais Vasco supporters, slates, respectively, from the candidates Julio Brant and Jorge Salgado. Both opposed the election this Saturday, after the decision to Justice on Friday night.

President Alexandre Campello, however, condemned the decision. He is running for reelection.

– It is unfortunate. It is absurd that elections in Basque are always decided in court. Nothing is respected at all. And you see the lack of respect towards the partner here at 7:45 pm, all the people that are here working for this election, they turned the night around to make it happen. We have been here since 7 in the morning working on the election, the partner came, faced the queue, waited to exercise his right to vote and then they go to court suspending this decision, which I think only affects the partner and Vasco. But they are celebrating, they celebrated like a goal. The irresponsibility of this group is impressive – said Campello.

– Photo: Disclosure
