New director invites Bolsonaro to visit Inpe to ‘change his perception’ – 02/10/2020


The new director of Inpe, the specialist in space geophysics Clezio Marcos De Nardin, invited President Jair Bolsonaro to visit the institute to convince him of the quality of his research and the data produced.

“I am sure that if the president comes here to Inpe, if we have the opportunity to explain the rare jewel that we have here … I am sure that this perception will change. I am convinced that I can show the president the quality of Inpe. And I am convinced that El Inpe is one of the best institutions in the world ”, said Nardin in his first press conference, held this afternoon.

The statement was made after he was asked how he intends to deal with the criticism that the institute has suffered from the federal government. Nardin, who was appointed this Friday 2 to the position by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes, defended that there is still a good propaganda about what Inpe does as a way to contain criticism and even avoid the loss of budget .

His election ends a period of more than a year in which the military Darcton Damião was in charge of the agency on an interim basis, after the removal of physicist Ricardo Galvão.

Since last year, the government has accused Inpe of presenting “lying data”, of having “opponents” there, of not providing data with the quality or speed that would be necessary to contain deforestation. At the same time, there are proposals to buy new satellites or the creation of a new agency to assume functions that are currently owned by Inpe.

Nardin repeated several times at the press conference something that he had already said to Estadão before: that his role is technical, scientific and not political. And this is how you intend to answer any question.

It sought to adopt a weighted tone in relation to the initiatives announced throughout this year that indicated a devaluation of Inpe, such as the project of the Ministry of Defense to contract a new satellite at a cost of R $ 145 million; and the proposal by the vice president, Hamilton Mourão, to create a new agency to centralize satellite monitoring in Brazil.

“All my respect for Mourão. He is in his role, he can do whatever he wants. If he makes an agency to take care of the Amazon, Inpe has no problems with that and is not weakened, because the coaching staff … That he trained either part of the people who would work in this eventual agency will be ex-students of Inpe or ex-employees of Inpe. We have the technology, “he said.

“The government has the right to take the political position that it considers most appropriate. My role is to fulfill the institutional mission of Inpe. And among that mission is to do research in the space environment, which implies looking at the Earth and doing research that involves al We have the best of the country in this institution. With all due respect, if the Vice President General Mourão wants to do it, he will have our full support. We are going to help build the agency that he proposes in the universities or Inpe. “

On the satellite, he also repeated that it is a right of the Ministry of Defense. “If the Defense understands that it needs a satellite for this, it must have a justification, sure it does. But let’s get closer, let’s explain the role that Inpe plays. I invite you all to come here. We are open. Come see what we do. If it does not respond to the interests of the Defense, we can help make it concrete, we can participate.

Still on criticism, he added: “If someone thinks he is not well, it is a sign that we do not communicate properly, mea culpa. I invite all who come to know our model.
