New Corinthians shirts will have redesigned values; filtering alleged images | Corinthians


The new Corinthians shirts, even without an official release date, will hit more stores this season. Produced by Nike, Parts 1 and 2 will increase in price.

A player model, similar to that of athletes, will cost R $ 399.99. The fan model will cost R $ 249.99. The 2019/2020 jerseys originally cost R $ 299.99 (player) and R $ 199.99 (fan).

Images of the alleged new Corinthian shirts - Photo: reproduction on the InternetImages of the alleged new Corinthian shirts - Photo: reproduction on the Internet

Images of the alleged new Corinthian shirts – Photo: reproduction on the Internet

The change in the price list is related to an exchange in the manufacturing material of the shirts. Wanted, the sporting goods supplier preferred not to confirm the information and said it still does not work with a date to bring the product to market.

– Nike and Corinthians have been monitoring the coronavirus in Brazil very carefully, even following the guidelines of local and global governments and health authorities. The launch of the club’s new jerseys for the season will respect, at the same time, the country’s events and the situation of Brazilian football, the US company wrote through the press office.

The Corinthians No. 1 shirt, in white, will pay tribute to 30 years of winning the club’s first Brazilian Championship in 1990. The No. 2 shirt is once again the traditional striped shirt.

In the past few days, two photos were leaked, allegedly, as the models to be released were leaked online. Nike, as always, said it does not comment on leaks.

– Nike does not confirm. The brand develops several prototypes before reaching the final models.

The I discovered that the models are similar. The white shirt, however, has buttons.

Supposed new Corinthian shirt - Photo: reproduction on the InternetSupposed new Corinthian shirt - Photo: reproduction on the Internet

Supposed new Corinthian shirt – Photo: reproduction on the Internet

Supposed new Corinthian shirt - Photo: reproduction on the InternetSupposed new Corinthian shirt - Photo: reproduction on the Internet

Supposed new Corinthian shirt – Photo: reproduction on the Internet

Due to the pandemic and, consequently, falling sales, many sporting goods websites are promoting this moment. There are official models of fan t-shirts (1, 2 and third uniform) that sell for R $ 99.99 in physical stores and online.
