NEW 2021 emergency aid: See list of who will be excluded


It is estimated that around 33 million Brazilians, in addition to 14 million beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program, are selected through a cross-database, which was used as a funnel to determine the recipients of the new round of emergency help. The work happened in the last 11 months.

They are out of the new quotas of emergency aid in 2021

  • Who receives the pension;
  • Retirement;
  • Attendance benefit;
  • Unemployment insurance;
  • Has an active employment relationship.

The selection will reduce the number of attendees last year, from 68 million, only 40 million will be contemplated in 2021.

The first benefit, which began to be paid in April 2020, reached more than 65 million people. However, with the extension that began in September and with the distribution of the amount in half, the aid served 57 million citizens.

A platform developed by the departments of Digital Government and Social Security and Labor was used to cross 11 databases. The new method will also be used for future income and employment distribution programs.

Among the 11 databases used are INSS, MEI, CNIS and Caged. With only the use of the CPF of the citizen it is possible to discern if he is an official, military, retiree, pensioner, businessman and who are his heirs / dependents in Income Tax.

Costing the new emergency aid program

The estimated amount of the monthly installments reached R $ 30 billion. Approximately the same amount that the Bolsa Família program paid annually.

In the first payments, the average amount of the benefit was almost R $ 900. In this scenario, single mothers received double contributions of R $ 1,200. The program’s budget in 2020 reached almost R $ 300 billion.

Backstage conversations at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Citizenship say the new database should be used to ensure efficiency in the selection of Bolsa Família and to expand employment programs.

There is still no confirmation of the value of the quotas for the new round of aid, or the number of them. However, it is estimated that there will be three to four installments of R $ 250 and R $ 200, with payment starting in March.
