Nelson Teich fires 13 employees of the Ministry of Health – News


The Minister of Health, Nelson Teich, exonerated 13 servers from the portfolio on Thursday (7). Exchanges were already planned from Luiz Henrique Mandetta (DEM) resigned as minister, on April 16, and some changes were made at the request of the servers.

The changes empty strategic areas, such as Saps (Secretariat of Primary Health Care), which deals with the management of health posts, outpatient clinics and “family health” services, and SVS (Secretariat of Health Surveillance), responsible for development of federal government guidelines on response to covid-19, including measures of social isolation.

Read more: Brazil has 9,146 deaths and 135,106 confirmed cases of covid-19

Sônia Maria Feitosa Brito and Rodrigo Lins Frutuoso were exonerated from the SVS. They worked in the portfolio for more than a decade and were part of the team of Wanderson Oliveira, National Secretary for Health Surveillance.

The dismissals were requested by the servers themselves. Oliveira also asked to leave the government in the last days of the Mandetta administration, but remains at the agency at Teich’s request.

Among those exonerated Thursday, six names worked at Saps. The portfolio has been without a full secretary since April 30, when Dr. Erno Harzheim was released. He entered the government of Jair Bolsonaro on the recommendation of Dr. João Gabbardo, who he also left the folder after Mandetta left.
