Neighborhoods still without electricity due to storm in Campo Grande


The neighborhoods that were without electricity after the storm on Wednesday (07) in Campo Grande are still without electricity. In total, 25 neighborhoods were without power due to the heavy rains that fell. “My daughter had to take a university exam and so far she has not been able to take the exam,” said Mardilei da Costa, a resident of the São Franscisco neighborhood, about her daughter’s exam who is taking a nursing course.

Energisa told the report that it is working to solve the lack of power in several neighborhoods. Check the list of neighborhoods affected by the lack of light:

Colonel Antonino, Vila Margarida, Coophavilla II, Vila Nasser, Santo Amaro, Santa Emília, Centro Industrial, Jardim São Lourenço, Santa Dorothéia, Tarumã Garden, Jardim Centenário, Santa Fé, Jardim dos Estados, Caiobá, Monte Castelo, Seminary Garden, Garden Tarumã, Conjunto Aero Rancho, Vila Albuquerque, Nova Lima, New States Park, Autonomist Garden, Celina Jallad, Vila Fernanda and Pênfigo.

“The concession equipment is already distributed in the respective locations carrying out the repairs,” the company said in a note.

Neighborhoods still without electricity due to storm in Campo Grande