Neguinho da Beija-Flor rescues child photo of grandson shot dead


Collaboration for UOL, in São Paulo

10/20/2020 12h12Updated in 10/20/2020 12h12

Neguinho da Beija-Flor rescued a photo with his grandson Gabriel as a child to remember the 20-year-old boy who was shot dead at a funk dance in Rio de Janeiro early Sunday morning.

The sambista posted last night on his Instagram to talk about his memories of the young man as a “smiling child.”

“It has been a very difficult time, and may my grandson Gabriel now be in the arms of the Lord! This smiling child will always be in my memories !!”, he wrote, gaining the support of his followers.

Gabriel was a of the four shot during a collision by the Military Police in the event in Nova Iguaçu.

Three of them have already arrived dead at the hospital, among them the grandson of Neguinho da Beija-Flor, who yesterday had already posted a message thanking him for the messages of support and saying that he was busy with the bureaucratic procedures to save his son Paulo César, the father of the child.
