Natal’s mayoral candidate Delegado Leocádio (PSL) attacked a team of reporters from the Tribuna do Norte newspaper at Roberto Freire’s UNP, one of Natal’s largest voting sites, this Sunday morning (15). The candidate does not vote on the spot.
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According to reporter Ícaro Carvalho, the candidate arrived at the scene accompanied by supporters. “I approached to interview him and asked him if he had already voted. He didn’t answer and tried to take the cell phone out of my hand. Then he also removed the mask from our photographer, Magnus Nascimento, ”he said.
OR G1 He tried to talk to the candidate, but his cell phone was off. The advisor reported that the Leocádio Delegate would not comment on what happened.
Election judge Hadja Rayanne said that the fact that the candidate is in a polling place that is not his can be configured as a ballot box. “But we cannot say. With this information we will begin the process with the Public Ministry,” he said.
The Tribuna de Comunicação System, to which the newspaper Tribuna do Norte belongs, expressed its solidarity with the reporters Ícaro Carvalho and Magnus Nascimento for the attacks suffered during the performance of their professional activities. “The violent episode starring the Natal mayoral candidate, when faced with a simple question about the electoral process, was incompatible with the position of those who propose to administer a city, but even with the rules of coexistence in a democratic society. or physically assaulting a journalist is typical of dictatorships, not democracies, ”the note says.
The Tribuna System also said that “it will take the appropriate legal measures to repair the damage caused to its renowned journalists.”
In a note, the RN Union of Professional Journalists condemned the attack. “The Union asks the Public Security authorities to rigorously investigate this fact, as well as to protect all those who are working in these elections to avoid such uncompensated and discourteous attitudes,” the note says.