A young man from Santa Catarina released a photo on social networks asking his friends what it could be. The post went viral. And that’s how several residents of the state reported receiving similar packages. There are already 39 cases. In recent weeks, several other reports have surfaced across the country. The Ministry of Agriculture confirms that the seeds came from Asia and appeared in 23 states and Mexico City. In total, 199 samples have already been collected.
The mysterious seeds also landed in other countries. Australia, New Zealand, India, Poland, Germany, France Holland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Chile, Canada. And also in the United States, where investigations are more advanced. Osama El-Lissy is one of the directors of the United States Department of Agriculture. He says 300 types of seeds have already been identified. They are ornamental plants, fruits, weeds, vegetables. Some were contaminated with pests, but according to him, nothing worrisome. Please understand the case in the previous report.
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