In the last 24 hours, 62 new confirmations appeared in Cuiabá (10), Rondonópolis (3), Várzea Grande (5), Barra do Garças (8), Lucas do Rio Verde (7), Primavera do Leste (7), Sorriso (6), Cáceres (1), Tapurah (4), Nova Mutum (2), Pontal do Araguaia (1), Nova Lacerda (1), Juscimeira (1), Confresa (1), Campo Verde (1), Alto Araguaia (1), Água Boa (1) of residents of other States (2).
However, the technical area clarified that a duplication case in Cuiabá was corrected. In addition, a previously registered case in Cuiabá was transferred to Jangada, the patient’s municipality of residence.
Of the 734 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Mato Grosso, 348 are in isolation and 296 are recovered. There are still 66 hospitalized patients, 37 in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 28 in the ward. With current admissions to SUS beds, the available bed configuration is 210 ICU beds and 641 nursing beds.
Considering the total number of cases in Mato Grosso, 51.5% of those diagnosed are women and 48.5% men; In addition, 208 patients are aged between 31 and 40 years.
The confirmed cases are in: