MPs suspected of receiving bribes from gambling houses are the target of the MP’s operation in Fortaleza – Security


A criminal group formed by active military police suspected of receiving tip to cover up the operation of bingo me illegal gambling houses in Strength is aimed at Bet operation, triggered by Ceará Public Ministry (MPCE) this Friday morning (4). Eight guarantee pre-trial detention me six guarantee search and capture, which were sent by Military Court of Accounts, are fulfilled in Strength and in the city of Cari.

“The whites were two lieutenants, that is, two officers of the Ceará State Military Police, and six posts,” he says. Rinaldo Janja, prosecutor and coordinator of Gaeco.

OR Public ministry It indicates that the investigated military police officers are suspected of providing protection and covering up the operation of illegal gambling houses in the capital of Ceará in exchange for receiving bribes. In addition, the agents would also go to the criminal organization responsible for the game. information on future actions cops to curb the illegal practice.

Compliance with guarantees is backed by Integrated Coordination of Operational Planning (Copol), organ of Secretary of Public Security and Social Defense of the State of Ceará (SSPDS), I do General Command of the Military Police of the State of Ceará.

If the involvement of the police is demonstrated, officers can answer for crime against the popular economy, corruption active and passive and also by integrate criminal organization.


According to Public ministry, investigations of the case began in November 2018 and had the support of the SSPDS. The first information and evidence emerged when Gaeco was investigating the envelopment from military police with criminal factions.

A Bet operation was baptized with this name because the word “bet” in Latin it means bet.

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