MPRJ wants resignation and talks about millionaire compensation if he convicts Flávio Bolsonaro


Prosecutors collect compensation of R $ 6 million and the maintenance of the prison from Queiroz and his wife, Márcia. Senator Flávio Bolsonaro denies the accusations

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Satellite Brazil In a complaint filed with the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice on Wednesday (4), the Rio de Janeiro Public Ministry (MPRJ) requested that Senator Flávio Bolsonaro lose his position as senator if he is convicted, with res judicata, in case of the so-called “cookies”.

Prosecutors demand compensation in favor of the state of Rio for the minimum amount of R $ 6,100,091.95, for damages caused by crimes of embezzlement. The sum would be divided between Flávio Bolsonaro, Fabrício Queiroz and Miguel Ângelo Braga Grillo, the senator’s chief of staff.

Prosecutors also request that, if the defendants are convicted, they be prevented from holding public office or functions for a period of eight years, as of the execution of the sentences.

The MPRJ says that Flávio Bolsonaro’s chief of staff in the Senate was “decisive” in the “cracked” schemes in Alerj.

Even as an effect of the criminal conviction, the MP also requests that the loss of property, rights and values ​​related directly or indirectly to the practice of crimes be decreed in favor of RJ. One of the objectives defined by the prosecution is the senator’s apartment, located on Avenida Lúcio Costa, in Barra da Tijuca, West Zone of Rio.

Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans-RJ), the former adviser Fabrício Queiroz and 15 more investigated were denounced for criminal organization, embezzlement, money laundering and embezzlement in the “cracked” scheme, at the time that Flávio Bolsonaro was a state deputy.

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