BRASÍLIA – O Public ministry do Distrito Federal e Territórios (MPDFT) apresentou na Justiça uma ação civil publica em que pede, em caráter de urgência, o fim do Bolsonarist camp entitled “Os 300 do Brasil“, in addition to a magazine of six members to verify the firearms of the protesters and the search for arms in an irregular situation. The promoters of Justiça Flávio Augusto Milhomem and Nísio Tostes Filho, comatuação na 3ª Promotoria de Justiça Militar do DF, chamam or group of “armed militia” and placed as a nação ativist Sara Fernanda Giromini, 27, who calls herself Sara Winter. Ela is the voice-over of the camp.
At this time, the protocol in Justiça did not start late this morning. The promoters can also add that the DF government forbids the agglomeration of people to carry out demonstrations in the capital, in response to the local decrees that seek to guarantee the social isolation and bar the propagation of the new coronavirus.
You “300 do Brasil” are made up of supporters from Bolsonaro. The organizers offer these supporters lodging, food and “treinamento com specialists in revolution não violent e ticas of information war.” A secret encampment was set up to house and train these people, which integrated two years against criminal democracy in Brazil, with requests for dates from the Supreme Federal Court (STF) and the National Congress.
Saiba: Saiba quem são os militants and parliamentarians two years against Congress and STF
O tem tem group of parliamentarians, especially deputees federais Bia Kicis (PSL-DF) and Caroline de Toni (PSL-SC). Kicis, inclusive, has been invited to speak with a group as a secretary of Segurança Pública do DF, Anderson Torres, to discuss the interests of the group. An assessor gives deputada integra or movimento.
Sara Giromini, who held in 2019 a position of trust not Minister of Mulher, Family and Human Rights, at the invitation of Minister Damares Alves, who is in front of the camp. In the interview with the site of “BBC Brazil”, he admitted that members of the armed group, for self-protection, second to the activist. Giromini já atuou no Ukrainian feminist group Femen e hoje was said ex-feminist, bandeira com a ganha dinheiro em palestras.
Na ação public civil protocol na Justiça, Giromini e o Distrito Federal são aponos reus. You promoters pedem, in character liminar, to proibição of popular manifestations with agglomerações de pessoas; administrative sanctions in case of failure of social isolation measures; and to the “demobilization” of camp two “300 of Brazil”, as well as the search for the magazine of its members, “aiming to find and learn weapons of fire in an irregular situation or with possible weapons without legal authorization for or carrying”.
No merit, even if the government of the DF is obliged to use or the power of the police to “protect public security” and “avoid the mobilization of armed militia in the Federal District”. The promoters can also add that the “300 of Brazil” are forbidden to resume their activities, in any part of the country.
“Milícias are not subordinated to the legal norms of the State; they are parallel to that in opposition to the state power. There is no need to have uniform, distinctive, contingency or respect for hierarchy, symbols or protocols of conduct that are visible or explicit”, we affirm promoters na ação. “It matters, and I am, or am a paramilitary company, two associates for the purpose of harmful policy or estranha à tutela do democratic state of direito”, complem.
The members of the MPDFT say that restricting popular demonstrations can lead to dúvidas on the constitutionality of the measure, but more fundamental directions such as that “não são absolutos”, second eles. “For a harmonious coexistence between them, it is necessary that the exercise of the same does not imply damages in a public order or with the directives and guarantees of third parties. On the other hand, in the presence of armed militias, as reported to us by communication vehicles, in the central region of the capital federal, it represents unequivocal damage to public order and security. “