The twin brothers Alexandre Muler Passos and Rafael Muler Passos, 31, were executed with 13 shots from a 9 mm (millimeter) pistol. The case occurred in a kitchenette where the two lived, yesterday afternoon (25), on Rua Domingos Giordano, in the Residencial Mata do Jacinto, a neighborhood located just outside Cuiabá, in Campo Grande.
According to the police report, witnesses said that two men on a Honda Titan motorcycle, supported by a black car with insulin film, headed towards the access door to the kitchenette, entered and fired several shots with 9mm pistols.
Rafael was killed with approximately 7 shots, in the neck, chest, right leg, under the armpits and on the left side of the wrist. His brother, Alexandre, was executed with approximately 6 shots, in the legs (at the height of the thigh), left arm and buttocks. The experts found capsules and some projectiles in the residence.
The death was certified by a doctor from Samu (Mobile Emergency Care Service). All the action was filmed by security cameras and the images could help the police during investigations. The motive for the crime was not reported. The case was registered as a qualified homicide. One of the brothers had a history of robbery and drug trafficking.