More than half of the mayors and councilors are elected again in 2020 | Choice in numbers


More than half of the mayors, vice mayors and councilors managed to be elected to a new position in 2020. Of the 54,504 candidates who won in the last municipal elections in 2016, 54% won again this year.

In the first round, 61% of the elected mayors won another term. Of the 3,324 who applied, 2,037 remained in office. And another 4 were elected councilors.

Among vice mayors, the success rate was lower, 55%. Of the 3,400 who tried, 1,870 won the election. Of these, 1,177 were reelected, 446 became mayors and 247 councilors.

Elected in 2016 who got a new term in 2020 – Photo: Elcio Horiuchi / G1

According to political scientist Emerson Cervi, from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), the mayoral re-election rate is returning to historic levels after having had a sharp drop in 2016. That year, only 46.8% of mayors who tried to get a new mandate.

“The point outside of the curve was 2016, after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and at a time of great criticism of the political elite of the country,” he says. “Between 50% and 60% is the historical standard.”

Elected by position – Photo: Elcio Horiuchi / G1

Councilors are less successful

More than 80% of the councilors elected in 2016 were candidates this year. However, they had a lower success rate than mayors.

Among councilors, the electoral success rate was 53% in 2020. In total, 47,490 councilors elected in 2016 ran again. Of this total, 23,444 were reelected, 1,356 were vice-mayors and 472 mayors.

Of those who obtained a new mandate, 87.5% kept their position and 12.5% ​​changed roles.

The mayors were the ones who changed their position the least. And the vice-mayors were the ones who changed the most.
