Mirtes is upset because Miguel’s father could not enter


Mirtes Renata de Souza Santana, mother of the child Miguel, said she was upset that the child’s father, Paulo Inocêncio da Silva, could not attend the instructional hearing on the child’s death process, held today in the 1st Court of Crimes against Children and Adolescents from the Capital, in the central area of ​​Recife.

Miguel died after falling from the ninth floor of one of the luxurious condominium buildings Dock Maurício de Nassau, in the capital of Pernambuco, on June 2. Mirtes was a servant and had gone out to walk the chiefs’ dog. He left his son in the care of the then employer, Sari Mariana gaspar Cut Real, first lady of the municipality of Tamandare (PHYSICAL EDUCATION). Sarí left Miguel alone in the building’s service elevator, the boy got lost and ended up dying when he fell from a height of 35 meters.

Mirtes spoke with him Twitter exclusively, after being heard today by Judge José Renato Beard, head of the 1st Court of Crimes against Children and Adolescents of the capital.

“I am outraged because Miguel’s father could not enter, but Sérgio’s father and mother [Hacker] they entered, “Mirtes reported, citing Sérgio Hacker (PSB), mayor of the municipality and Sarí’s husband. Hacker tried to be re-elected mayor in this year’s elections, but lost.

The former head of Mirtes became accused of the crime of abandonment of the disabled, resulting in death, with two aggravations, which are the crimes committed against children and in the midst of the public calamity, which is the new coronavirus pandemic.

Mirtes said that Sarí was also there, but that he had no contact with her, since they stayed in separate rooms. Miguel’s grandmother, Martha Alves Santana, accompanied her daughter, as she is one of the witnesses listed by the prosecution.

Miguel’s mother said she testified still in the morning and that the hearing lasted about 30 minutes. “For me, [o depoimento] it was quiet. I only told the truth, and nothing but the truth, “he said. Twitter, this afternoon.

Sarí did not testify today

The first instructional hearing on the Miguel case concluded at the Cica (Integrated Center for Childhood and Adolescence) at the end of today. Contrary to expectations, Sarí Côrte Real was not questioned today. The TJPE (Court of Justice of Pernambuco) will set a new date for the hearing of the accused. Furthermore, a defense witness has yet to speak in court.

Nine prosecution witnesses, appointed by the MPPE (Public Ministry of Pernambuco), were summoned. But only eight were heard in the 1st Court of Crimes against Children and Adolescents of the Capital, located in Cica. The MPPE surrendered with the ninth witness, who would be heard by videoconference. The defense agreed to withdraw.

Nine of the defense were listed. Four were heard in court on Thursday and another four will testify by precautionary letter, according to the TJPE, this happens when there are “witnesses or procedural parties who reside in another region, from different cities or states.” The ninth, who is also a prosecution witness, will testify in person as a defense on the same date of the questioning of Sarí.

Before the hearing began, family, friends, and people linked to social movements and human rights held a peaceful demonstration in front of Cica. The Military Police sent 16 policemen to remain in place to contain possible disturbances.

In an interview with Globo’s Fantástico program in July, Sarí Côrte Real said he was the target of persecution and said he was afraid of being lynched.

“Terrible [os dias]. I live in the psychiatrist, I need medicine to sleep. People tried me before the Court even tried me, I didn’t even have time to defend myself. Today I can’t go out on the street, I’m afraid of being lynched. I can’t run, I can’t do anything. Today I am in a jail inside my house, ”he reported.
