Ministry of Justice carries out an operation against digital piracy in 10 states | federal District


This Thursday (5), the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the civil police of 10 states unleashed the second phase of Operation 404, fight against digital piracy.

25 search and seizure warrants are being carried out, as well as the blocking and suspension of 252 sites and 65 streaming applications, which illegally transmit movies, series and television programs.

  • Operation against digital piracy searches in 12 states

The Justice also determined the de-indexing of content in search engines and the elimination of profiles and pages on social networks.

Court orders are being executed in the following states:

  • Bay
  • Ceara
  • Goias
  • Mato Grosso
  • Minas Gerais
  • Parana
  • State
  • Rio Grande do Norte
  • St. Catarina
  • Saint Paul

According to the file, the operation has the collaboration of the embassies of the United States and the United Kingdom in Brazil.

A workgroup, named 404, refers to the response code of the HTTP protocol to indicate that the page was not found or is not available.

Documents, cards, weapons and money seized in Bahia, during Operation 404 of the Ministry of Justice – Photo: Personal archive

In Santa Catarina, investigators seized cards, a firearm, various documents, and cash, in reais and dollars.

In Bahia, the police found a series of devices used in the illegal transmission of television channels.

In Bahia, police seized devices used in the illegal transmission of television channels – Photo: Personal archive

In 2019, eight people were caught in the act in the first phase of Operation 404.

Operation Against Digital Piracy Searches 12 States;  2019 report

Operation Against Digital Piracy Searches 12 States; 2019 report

Thirty search and seizure warrants were carried out in 12 states. The targets were suspected of operating 210 illegal streaming sites and 100 streaming apps.

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