Minimum wage in 2021: see national and state value | economy


On January 1, the new national minimum wage of R $ 1,100 begins to take effect.

The amount represents an increase of R $ 55, or 5.26%, in relation to the R $ 1,045 in effect throughout 2020.

The minimum wage of R $ 1,100 is above the R $ 1,088 provided by the government in the proposed reform of the Law of Budgetary Guidelines (LDO), sent on December 15 to the National Congress.

The minimum wage is corrected by the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), and the indicator is expected to increase by approximately 5.2% in 2020 (official data will be published on January 12). With that, it will be another year without a real increase in the minimum wage.

  • Minimum wage: see history of the last readjustments

Most of the Brazilian states follow the value established by the federal government. But some states adopt a regional floor, higher than the national value. In 2021, five states will have their own minimum wage: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. See current values ​​by state at the end of the report.

The regional minimum wage serves as a reference, above all, for workers in the private sector who belong to categories not covered by collective agreements or agreements, such as domestic workers.

Evolution of the minimum wage – Photo: G1

Minimum wage by state – Photo: Arte G1

See the minimum wage values ​​by state:

  • Acre: follows the value of the minimum wage established by federal decree.
  • Alagoas: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Amapá: follow the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Amazonas: follow the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Bahia: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Ceará: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Federal District: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Espírito Santo: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Goiás: follow the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Maranhão: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Mato Grosso: it follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: it follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Minas Gerais: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Pará: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Paraíba: it follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Parana: the minimum wage set by the federal decree does not follow the value. For 2021 the minimum in the state has not yet been defined, but the index applied to the national minimum wage will continue, increased by 0.55%. The 2020 value varies between R $ 1,383.80 and R $ 1,599.40, depending on the category.
  • Pernambuco: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Piauí: follow the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Rio de Janeiro: does not follow the minimum wage set by federal decree. The state floor for 2021 has not yet been defined, and the expectation is that this will happen at the beginning of the year, reported the State Civil House. The floor adopted in 2019 is currently in effect in the state, with performance ranges ranging from R $ 1,238.11 until R $ 3,158.96.
  • Rio Grande do Norte: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Rio Grande do Sul: does not follow the minimum wage set by federal decree. The regional floor for 2021 has been frozen and ranges from R $ 1,237.15 and R $ 1,567.81.
  • Rondônia: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Roraima: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • St. Catarina: The 2021 state floor will be established between January and February. The value adopted in 2020 is currently in effect in the state, with income ranges ranging from R $ 1,215 a R $ 1,391.
  • Saint Paul: does not follow the minimum wage set by federal decree. The state floor for 2021 has yet to be defined. The floor adopted in 2019 is currently in effect in the state, with performance ranges ranging from R $ 1,163.55 a R $ 1,183.33.
  • Sergipe: follows the minimum wage set by federal decree.
  • Tocantins: follow the minimum wage set by federal decree.

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